Map Changes:
- Fixed numerous navigation bugs
- Fixed a teleporter spot that caused giants to get stuck
- Fixed numerous seams (but I'm sure there's still some)
- Smoothed out the bot spawns, this should prevent the Samurai Boss from getting stuck in the left spawn and other bots getting stuck in the right.
- Removed the ability to crouch under the wooden platforms at the front (bots would get bugged out)
- Raised doorways in buildings where giants would rarely get stuck.
Normal Mode Wave 1:
- Swapped out hunstman snipers for basic soldiers
- Lowered frequency of spawns of new soldiers
- Lowered number of shotgun heavies
Normal Mode Wave 2:
- Changed spawn conditions for all wavespawns, new setup is:
- Pyros, delayed Giant Boxers -> (Pyros dead) Demoknight/Medic pair + Hunstman Snipers
Normal mode Wave 3:
- Lowered number of boxing heavies
Normal Mode Wave 4:
- Giant heavies now come out at a large delay, rather than waiting for trash wavespawns to end. This should make it flow more nicely.
- Increased number of bonk scouts with Giant Heavies
Normal Mode Wave 6:
- Increased health of boss pyro slightly
- Added some extra support to boss pyro (4 flaregunners)
Expert Mode Wave 1:
- Reduced wait time between heavy spawns
- Moved up giant neon pyros spawn time, they took a while to come out making the early wave slow
- Added extra giant neon pyro
Expert Mode Wave 2:
- Increased number of grapple heavies slightly
- Changed Heavy+Vaccinator giants to giant vaccinator medics. Enjoy.
Expert Mode Wave 3:
- Changed Wrap Asasassin scouts (which don't work) to Fan O'War scouts.
Expert Mode Wave 4:
- Changed Samurai boss to scale 1.7 instead of 1.8
Expert Mode Wave 5:
- Changed an incorrect wavespawn that was giving 500 credits instead of 50.
Expert Mode Wave 6:
- Lowered damage bonus on crossbow medics (giant and regular)
- Removed Mark for Death attribute on giant crossbow medic.
Expert Mode Wave 7:
- Removed all non-support medics sans boss.