I just watched a video by Grizzly Berry about if campaigns still work, and you can watch that here. (Okay, I know that the video's been out for a few days) Personally, I do think that something needs to be changed, and as we mappers would like our maps to be put in the game (even if it may not happen to each of us), we should think about what can be done to keep the community interested in updates like these campaigns.
I mentioned in the comments of the video linked above some of my ideas that I had by reading through the comments and putting some of my own thought into it. The basic breakdown of what I thought of is as follows:
- Challenge a Friend
This idea was in the comments of the video, where the person thought that you could challenge a friend to kill x number of people with a certain weapon. If they succeeded, they would get a case or weapon. I thought to take this further and have you and a friend 'battle' against each other to see who could get the most points, heal the most or put out the most damage. (Or something else) The victor (decided at the end of the round or map) would get the spoils.
- Increased Chances of Good Loot with a Campaign Coin
This idea came from the comments, but I also thought that it would be nice if the higher rank your campaign pass was, the better chance of getting a rare item from a case/drop would be. This would also put more emphasis on doing the bonus contracts, as you would level up your pass quicker, and get better loot sooner. This could also be tied into my next suggestion which is:
- Changing How a Contract Works
This involves breaking up the contract into three parts rather than two.
The first part would be much the same as the regular contracts we have now, except rather than having to get 100 points, you would just have to get, say, 50. This would decrease the 'grind' of contract work that many people are feeling about completing the contracts.
The second part would involve (slightly) harder objectives for the player, and could also be worth 50 points.
The final part of the contract would be basically the same as the advanced section of the contracts we have now, except possibly a bit harder.
- Leveling Up Campaign Badge Rewards
This involves the player getting a weapon or cosmetic each time they level up their badge, with the value of the item corresponding to the level of their coin. This item would be for one of the classes that the player plays the most of, and (as suggested in the comments of the video) could be non-tradeable/marketable to make these items exclusive to campaign pass owners.
- Fewer Campaigns
I realize that this means that there will be less maps in the game overall, but hear me out. Over the past 8 months we have had Gun Mettle, Invasion, Halloween and Tough Break, all without much of a breath between them. This has lead to burnout for the community (as is shown by the diminishing sales of passes). With fewer campaigns, the community won't get as burnt out, meaning that (hopefully) more passes will be sold each campaign.
So those are my ideas, but take it how you choose. Also do you have any other ideas or suggestions?
I mentioned in the comments of the video linked above some of my ideas that I had by reading through the comments and putting some of my own thought into it. The basic breakdown of what I thought of is as follows:
- Challenge a Friend
This idea was in the comments of the video, where the person thought that you could challenge a friend to kill x number of people with a certain weapon. If they succeeded, they would get a case or weapon. I thought to take this further and have you and a friend 'battle' against each other to see who could get the most points, heal the most or put out the most damage. (Or something else) The victor (decided at the end of the round or map) would get the spoils.
- Increased Chances of Good Loot with a Campaign Coin
This idea came from the comments, but I also thought that it would be nice if the higher rank your campaign pass was, the better chance of getting a rare item from a case/drop would be. This would also put more emphasis on doing the bonus contracts, as you would level up your pass quicker, and get better loot sooner. This could also be tied into my next suggestion which is:
- Changing How a Contract Works
This involves breaking up the contract into three parts rather than two.
The first part would be much the same as the regular contracts we have now, except rather than having to get 100 points, you would just have to get, say, 50. This would decrease the 'grind' of contract work that many people are feeling about completing the contracts.
The second part would involve (slightly) harder objectives for the player, and could also be worth 50 points.
The final part of the contract would be basically the same as the advanced section of the contracts we have now, except possibly a bit harder.
- Leveling Up Campaign Badge Rewards
This involves the player getting a weapon or cosmetic each time they level up their badge, with the value of the item corresponding to the level of their coin. This item would be for one of the classes that the player plays the most of, and (as suggested in the comments of the video) could be non-tradeable/marketable to make these items exclusive to campaign pass owners.
- Fewer Campaigns
I realize that this means that there will be less maps in the game overall, but hear me out. Over the past 8 months we have had Gun Mettle, Invasion, Halloween and Tough Break, all without much of a breath between them. This has lead to burnout for the community (as is shown by the diminishing sales of passes). With fewer campaigns, the community won't get as burnt out, meaning that (hopefully) more passes will be sold each campaign.
So those are my ideas, but take it how you choose. Also do you have any other ideas or suggestions?
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