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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
I'd been thinking about doing an update for a while, and now i've finally gotten around to it. Enjoy!

  • Removed elevator deathpits.
While these were pretty fun, they turned the underground route from a sneaky flank into last into a claustrophobic, rather dangerous route. With these deathpits removed it should be a bit safer to move through.

  • Replaced ramp from 'underground > last' with a jumppad.
The ramp itself was rather steep, and made it so a sniper could hide himself well, while having a sightline onto both spawn exits. Changing this ramp to a jumppad creates new interesting gameplay strategies, while also solving the aforementioned problem.

  • Changed blue's pool room from a cave to an indoor space.
The asymmetrical detail of blue's room being in a cave was cool, but since the cave itself was using hydro textures, it created a warm, reddish colour palette which was confusing seeing as how it was a room in blue territory. It now looks a lot more similar to red's room, but with enough of its own detailing to look distinct.

  • Added some extra detailing to the capture pit.
Previously, the pit was just that, a pit. Now it's got a little something at the bottom so it's not too boring, and also adding a bit of storytelling.

  • New custom particles.
I've made some new particles for both 'pool' deathpits, as well as the capture pit, and the vents in blue's new pool room.

  • Minor clipping fixes
  • Minor audio fixes
  • Lighting improvements
  • Brushwork cleanup
  • Lowered file size
  • Decluttered some areas


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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Wow I'm really doing one of these each day huh?
  • Redid Red's OOB area near the main base entrance
This area has suffered from a funky lighting issue for a while, so why not just remake it? So I did that. It's now also in 'map space' now, rather than the skybox. I may also do this for blue side later on, but probably not.

  • Revamped the route from pool > last
This route was often unused apart from occasional flankers, so hopefully these changes make it a more enticing route to push through. The route from the boiler room into last lobby has been removed, to focus more on the route from pool > last, and the health + ammo in pool has been removed, though the boiler room now has a full health kit to make up for it.

  • Revamped the route from garage > office
Previously this small route was awkward to look at, and navigate, so this should be a substantial improvement. A medium ammo pack has been added to encourage engineers to set up a forward hold there, but the medium health pack in office has been moved back slightly.

  • Removed the full ammo pack in lobby
  • Several texture fixes
  • Several lighting fixes
  • Several clipping fixes
  • Minor particle adjustments
  • Minor detail fixes
  • Frog?
Next update is likely to be smaller than the last two.

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L1: Registered
Feb 23, 2018
alright so i just played a full match on rc3 a few minutes ago and theres 2 major issues we had with it
1) for some reason it was fullbright, idk whats up with that but pls fix (unless it already is)
2) the fact that the team with more points wins after the timer is up, you dont get overtime from holding the flag while the timer runs out and capping gives so little time makes it so that defending after getting 1 cap is pretty much the best option to win, so if you could extend the time gained from cap, add overtime if you are holding the flag while the timer is over and/or make it stalemate unless all 3 caps are gotten that would be very nice


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
alright so i just played a full match on rc3 a few minutes ago and theres 2 major issues we had with it
1) for some reason it was fullbright, idk whats up with that but pls fix (unless it already is)
2) the fact that the team with more points wins after the timer is up, you dont get overtime from holding the flag while the timer runs out and capping gives so little time makes it so that defending after getting 1 cap is pretty much the best option to win, so if you could extend the time gained from cap, add overtime if you are holding the flag while the timer is over and/or make it stalemate unless all 3 caps are gotten that would be very nice

A few minutes ago? Last time this was tested was a day ago.

1: This was fixed when I recompiled with LDR
2: This was the case for my previous invade ctf map, Isotope, and if I learned one thing from that, it's that infinite overtime and frequent stalemates really really suck. It's not fun at all. Noone wants to do a back-and-forth with the flag for 20 minutes after the round timer ends. Overtime works in gamemodes like cp and payload because points are generally captured/defended pretty quickly, but it's very easy to just hold onto the flag, so overtime can last for a very very long time in this mode. I could extend the time gained per cap but 10 minutes is about how long people can stay engaged in a round before it devolves into deathmatch. Defending after one cap is the best option, yeah, but it also gives the defenders the disadvantage of having the flag deep in their own territory. All the other team needs to do is kill the flag carrier and they've practically got a free cap.


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Might be starting work on... something related to this.
So, to all those who have played Nuclide:
  • What is your favorite area of the map?
  • What is your least favorite area of the map?
  • Do you think last is too hard to push into?
  • Is mid a good size, or would you prefer it to be bigger?
  • Can you think of any other issues/problems with the map? (Layout, logic, etc)
I would be very grateful if you could answer honestly and in as much detail as possible!


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Back at it again with the Nuclide updates

  • Added new route into last
This new route is (from the defender's perspective) to the left of the capture pit, and provides attackers a relatively safe area to prepare an attack and take out several of the strongest sentry spots. However, this route is accessed via a short vent route (that connects the upstairs office, new route, and the jumppad) that is quite tight and is easy to defend.

This should shift the balance of last significantly, hopefully towards the attacker's favor, but it's yet to be seen.
  • Minor detail changes
  • Bug fixes
  • More frogs

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2021
Hello, just got done playing this map in my TF2 friend group and it was a blast!

I'll leave the details for for a review but I was wondering what the opinions would be for the game format. Would first to 5 caps be too short? FT10 too long? Time limit?

The game I played with friends was also using a config that should be first to 5 points but sometimes the caps would score 2 points instead of one and it would reset teams back to spawns after 4 points were achieved.

Just more so curious what others have found to be a good amount of rounds/time for a good match to take place on this awesome map.


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Hello, just got done playing this map in my TF2 friend group and it was a blast!

I'll leave the details for for a review but I was wondering what the opinions would be for the game format. Would first to 5 caps be too short? FT10 too long? Time limit?

The game I played with friends was also using a config that should be first to 5 points but sometimes the caps would score 2 points instead of one and it would reset teams back to spawns after 4 points were achieved.

Just more so curious what others have found to be a good amount of rounds/time for a good match to take place on this awesome map.
Sorry for the late reply, hadn't seen this. The map itself uses logic that only really works if the format is first to three, setting it to something smaller such as first to one or two shouldn't break much, but raising it can cause some funky stuff to happen.


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
  • The Flag now Self-Destructs after 2 minutes of one team owning the flag.
You're carrying highly volatile materials, you didn't think you could carry it around in a combat-heavy environment forever, did you?

  • Added an alert for when the flag is about to be captured.
Teams are often blindsided when a lone scout runs past their defences, and capping without them even realising they were there. This alert should put teams more on the defensive, and keep them notified once the flag is deep in their territory.

  • Logic Improvements/fixes.
As it turns out, trying to make a whole bunch of new logic when you're both tired and drunk may not be the best idea. I have since corrected and improved many of the mistakes from the last update.

  • Improved jumppads.
Players were frequently annoyed and frustrated when trying to use the jumppad. This was down to a few factors, but i've improved the geometry around the jumppad so that players should no longer get caught on the pad or fail to make the jump.

  • Crit boost upon enemy capture reduced from 10 to 4 seconds
The crit boost was always intended to be powerful in order to drive the enemy team from your base and clear a path to mid, but most players will retreat naturally and the added crit boost was a bit too oppressive. This should be a much more reasonable time to have crits, enough to win a quick fight but not enough to go on a rampage.
  • Added more cover around last
Last has always felt very open and exposed, which made it feel unsafe to both leave spawn and push into last. This assortment of new objects propagating the area should help improve the area and give certain classes more opportunities for unique gameplay.

  • Nobuild changes (you can build in a couple more spots now)
  • Redid the spawn detailing for RED
  • Skybox improvements
  • Detail improvements
  • Added more voicelines
  • New funny secret
  • Clipping improvements
  • Optimisation improvements

Also, Happy (almost) 2 years!
...wow, has it already been that long?

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
  • The Flag now Self-Destructs after 2 minutes of one team owning the flag.
You're carrying highly volatile materials, you didn't think you could carry it around in a combat-heavy environment forever, did you?
As an added note, this mechanic may be a bit buggy, so let me know if this seems to be functioning improperly at all!


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
  • Greatly lowered the volume of the mic easter egg
  • Changed the entry requirements of the mic easter egg
  • Lighting improvements
  • Logic improvements
  • Redid blue mid OOB detailing
  • Skybox improvements
  • Optimisation improvements
  • Bug fixes
  • Lofi
Additionally, I found the original sketch I did for last almost two years ago. Surprising how little has changed.

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Conga Lyne

L2: Junior Member
Sep 2, 2017
Something I didn't notice during the RC8 playtest, but at 194 1004 -70 there's an ammo patch missing, seems to occur on the mirror side as well