Allright, voting is over (if somebody could stop the voting I would be happy, I still want to allow comments on this thread but idk how to stop the voting)
Congrats, again, to elfworks, one of the best/the best submission. I think that 2nd medal will shine great next to your 1st one! (Djive?)
And I'd like to thank all of you guys who entered because you all did a fantastic job and you did give the community some cool prefabs to work with after all
Since there was no need to optimise it i'm surprised you didn't func_detail all the geometry. You could have kept 2 versions, a usable prefab (if you desired) and the func_detail that would have been a nice and fast compile for the competition.
But for a quad core processor to take over night and longer to compile such a small level?? Is incredibly odd. I can only guess it was the circular chamber.. Avante takes less than an hour for me to compile (on dual core).. but it's heavily optimised with func_details and hint brushes.
Oh, and congradulations
I really wish i had time for this one.
Err... no compile, save maybe for -final, should take over 40 minutes, especially on quad core... func_detail more, definitely
-1024x2048 limits, that's the size you get to build your building on.
-No 3dskybox, nothing outside the 1024x2048 limit. Height doesn't matter. Go nuts.
-Custom models/props/textures/overlays are allowed
-Need an ingame render (you can use your skybox texture as long as it's a TF2 or a custom one)
-You have to upload the .vmf to prove you didn't exceed the limit.
-People are allowed to download your .vmf and use it in their maps as prefab. That's the risk you have to take! * With credit*
-You don't have to make the back of your building if you can't see it, you only need 1 render of your building anyways so who cares what is nodrawed or not
-Submit your ingame render and .vmf before 10 September 2008 in the upload thread!
-Only 2 entries are allowed for each mapper.
Heh, just wanted to point out that 5 of the 13 entries were NOT uploaded to the contest entry section of the downloads. It would be really cool if those who didn't upload their entry could do so. Especially considering the winner didn't upload! Doh!
*edit* Come to think of it, Sniper didn't upload either. For shame!