I've cast my vote, but it was a tough choice.
There were a lot of entries that would make excellent skybox elements, and they really capture the TF2 feel. Even as skybox elements, all the entries fulfill the requirements of the contest, so they all deserve consideration.
Wandering around Snipergen's level helped me understand what he was looking for in this contest. His mini-map would be a great junction between 2-3 other segments.
VelvetFistIronGlove's early entry definitely set the tone, and it was an excellent example of Red barnyard style.
DarkerSide's Power Plant (?) is another great skybox element, but I would have liked to see some darker smoke out of those black chimneys. (This is way back in MCMLIX, long before those pesky environmental laws...
DOX's BLU_Labs deserves a nod for style, and for adding a working elevator! (All those curved surfaces must have been painful to model?
Fearlezz did a great job of filling the space allowed. Just wish I could get into the buildings.
Gygrazok is the first one to feel like a playable level - lots of detail, and places to crawl over. My only complaint - I kept falling through the riverbed and drowning!
I like that Sgt_Frag's level starts in a mini-spawn room, and the lighting and layout of the developed areas is pretty cool.
Tigger's garage has some interesting detail, like prop dynamic windows. It's too bad she was
shortchanged on the screenshots.
Banni's border checkpoint is a fun concept. A wry twist would be to put a BLU gate on one side of the border, and a RED on the other - guaranteeing at least one cavity search at every border crossing! :blushing:
Vander's Porky's set was an interesting idea, but wasn't the big joke that the building was built over/near a swamp? (P.S. Love that red car, but didn't see it in the download? "models/j_theory/car01.mdl")
MangyCarface's BLU Missile Dropoff is another good idea. I like the deco curves of the outbuilding. But - and this is the beer talking - those missiles stick out like Borat in a Speedo! :blink:
YouMe's building would have got my vote, but only one side of the model was detailed. (Great pillars of light and shade! The design harkens back to film classics like 'Shape of Things to Come' and 'Metropolis.')
However, when it comes down to pushing the button, I have to go with....
On top of submitting two levels, they're both pretty cool.
Both are viewable from all sides. Nice shading. Great bits of submerged detail.
As for the 2nd entry: Great detail on the launch room - just wish you had time to finish the rest of the map!
Thanks to all for sharing your view of the TF2 world!