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L1: Registered
Nov 6, 2008
Hey, I played this map the other day on GrimGriz's server, and it was awesome.

Upon joining the server, I was amazed by the visuals. I was really impressed with the giant robot and the totem pole. In the submarine room, I had to stop playing for a minute and stare out at the ocean... I could even hear the seagulls calling.

The ctf variation on the tc style seemed to work really well. I wish I had more time to play-test it, but I arrived near the end of the testing event.

I put it on my clan's private server to show some clan-mates, and they were equally impressed. We had a great time trying to jump on the shark's back and ride it... I was able to land on it and ride for about 10 feet, but then it dragged me underwater and I died. :laugh: At one point I got stuck under the shorter dock though, and the water didn't kill me. But then the shark swam under and rescued me, until I died in the water again. Maybe you could lower the trigger_hurt in the water just a bit, to make for more effective shark riding.:thumbup:

Looking forward to play-testing this map again.


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009

DIRTY LIE!! At least when it's robot-temple. That leads away from the exit to stairs that take you up, and then you have to backtrack in the direction you came.


I think this is another source of confusion on robot->temple. An arrow points you to this spot, and unless you know better you think to go downstairs. However, if you go a little bit further to the right, you see the arrow pointing you down the hallway to the right. Perhaps move that arrow to this wall, and/or get rid of the arrow pointing to this spot.


Old Hat
Nov 12, 2007
The second screenshot I can understand the confusion, and I'll see what I can do to make it clearer that you exit by staying in the hallway, and not going down the stairs.

The first though, I honestly don't know what you expect. That's just how directional arrows work, in just about any context. They point where you need to go from the arrow. If it pointed the other direction, people would go down the stairs and end up on the floor of the robot chamber.


Oct 30, 2008
I feel this map would do well with a few less arrows around the place. A few, well-placed, arrows are better than a whole bunch of arrows that confuse people (see Valve's reservations with Steel).


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
The first though, I honestly don't know what you expect.

I feel this map would do well with a few less arrows around the place.

Exit signs are a little like a game of hot and cold. When you see one, you think you're hot (close to what you're looking for). This sign is so far away from the exit that it makes you think you're hot when you're cold...which is confusing.


Old Hat
Nov 12, 2007
From experience, I can't really agree with that statement. Direction signs have to be visible as soon as a player exits their spawn room, or they complain about being lost like there's no tomorrow.

Talking about exit signs specifically, the robot chamber is about the only area with them, and they have been placed mostly for the benefit of flag carriers trying to escape.

I agree with Tinker generally, but at this point I'm not sure what I could get away with removing and not seeing a flood of "it's confusing oh my god I can't find my way around I hate this map" every time I try to test it.


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
I was thinking along the lines of moving it from where it is and placing it at the top opening on the left. I'd still be visible from spawn there, but much less of a long winding course to the actual exit.

At any rate, I've learned my way around well enough at this point...but while I was doing it that area was particularly confusing

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Joined our server to check some stuff and it happened to be on meridian... ran around alone for a bit and ended up getting stuck on this sign barricade. o_o Check your clipping/collisions or something I guess... maybe check the other ones too.




Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
Epic Bump for an Epic Map, Drpepper.

Anyways, Taking bets that Shmitz is keeping it a secret that it's in the sniper update!

uma plata

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 20, 2009
The magic 8 ball told me "All signs point to yes"

How can you argue with that?

Even if it isn't in there, <3 this piece


L3: Member
Dec 31, 2007
Anyways, Taking bets that Shmitz is keeping it a secret that it's in the sniper update!

If it is, I would highly recommend cranking up the memory size to increase texture resolutions and adding a few shaders here and there(on robot for example) He does look a little low res from the downsize.

Some more islands and displacements in the skybox would be a nice addition too. Maybe some island huts off in the distance with a giant sattelite in the middle. The ocean looks pretty bland from what i remember, but everything else looks great. A skyline seperating the nasty horizon line from the ocean/sky transition would be recommended as well. I apologize if the skybox textures are not seamless, i cant remember if i fixed those or not.

Other than that, the map is turning out great. I think i have some foliage and flower patches i created way back when if you want them. I remember them adding alot of color variation to the outside areas.

Last edited:


Oct 30, 2008
I've been playing this map a little more, and it's really great. There's one area that needs reworking, though: The village. The playerclipping in this area annoys me a lot. You can get onto the very edges of some roofs, but not on all. There's a medkit on an annoying to jump to ledge. What I'd suggest is: remove all player clipping for the roofs here, and add a hole in the roof of the intel. That way it's a little less sentry campable. Also, make a little stairway to the medkit.