My game crashes when I try to quit. At least on Windows; haven't tried the Linux version yet.
Something appears to be wrong with bots since this update.
Local server, start map, add bots... and 1/2 of them suicide before they reach the spawn exits. Constantly. Throughout the game.
Was hoping to get some weapon testing in.
Found a space underneath the second point in the mercenary park map. It doesn't appear to be used or connected to the main section of the map in any way. Maybe it was meant to be used as an out-of-bounds area beneath the point, but they changed their minds and forgot to delete this. Or perhaps they're still working on this and will make use of it later.
Speaking of Mercenary Park there's actually a spot I noticed where the Health and Ammo kit that don't respawn after you pick them up (it's between the first Blu spawn and the first point)
I made a bug report on Valve's git hub so hopefully it's fixed in the next update.
This isn't a bug. They're disabled when the first point is capped intentionally. For some reason.
Heh. "Willing".
But seriously, does it spawn the crocs? Kill players? Trigger the custom death animation+camera? Setup the custom the killfeed icon?
I've had the same problem on my listen servers. I hope this means Valve is tweaking the bot AI to make it smarter, and this was an unintended side-effect, but who knows. For me, it first happened when I wanted to test the new weapons, so I spawned a single TFbot. It was a medic, and it didn't suicide. I decided I wanted it to be a pyro instead, so I forced it to respawn as one and it got caught in the suicide loop. I removed the class restriction and it immediately respawned as a medic, without suiciding. At first, I thought maybe it was a class-specific bug. The other interesting thing I noticed is that before the update, if a bot found itself alone on a team, it usually picked scout, so medic was an odd choice, especially since medic bots usually do nothing without a teammate.I'm having the same problem on my dedicated servers. They don't die everytime though, about every other respawn.
tf_bot_quota_mode fill, or some other method?Found another bug with the bots. Not all are rejoining the game when a player leaves the server even though it is set to do that. This getting frustrating.
I hope this means Valve is tweaking the bot AI to make it smarter, and this was an unintended side-effect, but who knows.
They release the only players their gonna play against are Pyros.They made them TOO smart. They become self aware shortly after spawning, realize they're trapped in the TF2 universe, and suicide.
They release the only players their gonna play against are Pyros.
Endless waves of Pyros.
tf_bot_quota_mode fill, or some other method?
Actually, if you've ever hung around the AlliedModders forum, the first step in troubleshooting that people will tell you is to disable any plugins that might be related.Got that set already along with tf_bot_join_after_player 0 (Sets it so bots are there even if no humans are). Odd thing is they will fill empty slots after a round ends and new one starts. But won't fill an empty slot when someone leaves. I think it's time I have a look at the plugins as well.
EDIT: It was the GiveBotsWeapons plugin giving me grief on bots rejoining the game. It allows bots to choose more than just stock weapons to use. It's removed for now while the author works on updating it. The bots still kill themselves every so often which isn't too bad still.
This isn't a bug. They're disabled when the first point is capped intentionally. For some reason.