Always liked this map. Here's some overly nitpicky feedback for ya

-this metal barrier made of brushes doesn't look all that good. A prop would look nicer imo
-Floating crate, also kinda dark in this corner

-got stuck on something here after explosive jumping

-stuff clipping through stuff in this corner by blu 1st spawn

-don't like the sprites going through the pickup patch in some place. Perhaps put a wood board debris prop or something to cover up the area and explain the sprites going away here instead

-either misaligned texture here or some weird shadows going on

-misaligned textures in this hallway

-stickies can easily be hid in this plant by blue's first spawn. There's a lot of foliage around this area where that can happen and while I like the foliage, it could be a potential issue. perhaps brightening up these spots could help alleviate this issue?

-stuck between these 2 props in that window room after 1st point

-love this ceiling

-stickies sticking to nothing. Bullets and projectiles also can't go through the circles in these beams which is odd

- taking a holiday in Cambodia with this pol pot

-clip the vault prop smooth

-these displacements by last point are misaligned and kinda crispy. Maybe lower the texture scale?

-look at me now I'm walking on air

-clip vault door smooth. Also the barriers blocking the path here would look better than that brush one in blue first spawn

-weird shadow above this sign

-I don't like how blocky this generator or powerbox thing is. I get that it's made out of brushes but it being out in the open like this really doesn't flatter it

-where are these red lights coming from? There are no lights here

-could use a nice blend texture between the concrete and the grass here

-why in the world can stickies hide in these stairs. I can easily see red chucking a few over there and spawn camping like crazy

-more foliage for stickies to hide in. Dunno if putting em here really does much to help anyone but hey, they're here.

-the skycards are SUPER obvious in this view. Also I can stick stickies onto the skybox from this spot which while not being a problem looks weird

-stickies can sort of be hid in this pipe

-maybe use a flat texture on this ceiling by 1st point to hide the angle change between brushes. Or maybe put some beams idk

-more floating stickies. Not a problem again but eh whatever

-floating stickies in the circle on this prop

-very weird to have these windows black while pretty much all the others in the base are transparent. Maybe some kind of blinds or mirror/fogged glass texture could make them look better

-the transition between this side texture and top texture is not good

-maybe put a clip ramp from this platform to the top of the computer

-while a brush ladder is better than a texture ladder, a ladder prop would look better to me at least. There are ladders in TF2 like this to work with already

-why is this nub just in the middle of the floor here?

-this bridge with the red sign on it looks like you can explosive jump onto it. Maybe raise it up or put some stuff on top of it or something to help stop that

-can see outside the map by explosive jumping here

-really harsh light on top of this door here

-the blue R here still throws me off

-the yellow lighting here is really harsh, a lot of lighting on this map tends to be like that

-what the heck is going on with the textures here? It's a mess!

-this patch overlay going over the part of the grate texture that's transparent is real bad
That's all for now. Hope it helps