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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
-Essentially a repeat of the Overview-
Map assets can be downloaded here.
Last edited:


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
Map changes
  • Fixed a case where a Tank can cause the alarm to keep playing after it is captured
  • Geometry changes near the hatch and Gate area
  • Removed a health kit from the front
  • Removed a playerclip from a spot that wasn't even supposed to be clipped
  • Replaced the security fence at the left-side front
  • Said goodbye to an old friend
  • Added a door on the front Upgrade Station
Mission changes:

  • Tweaked wavespawns on W1 a bit, so it isn't as slow as it was
  • Tweaked Wave 2's bots a bit
  • Tweaked waves 4-6 so they're not as over-the-top anymore

Wave 1
  • Steel Gauntlets on Wave 1 are not gatebots anymore
  • Swapped the Charged Soldier's Quick-Fix Medic to an Uber Medic
Wave 2
  • Swapped the Bazooka Soldier's Banner Soldier to an Uber Medic
  • Snuck in a Tank for Wave 2
  • The Conch-Heavy combo are both gatebots now
Wave 3
  • Cut down 2 pairs of the Crit-Battalion squad
  • The Giant Heavy-Medic duo gets some friends a bit earlier

Wave 4
  • Fixed Wave 4 being unable to end because of bad copypasting
  • Changed the way the Charged Soldiers come out
  • Snipped projectile speed bonus from the Cluster Bomb Chief
  • Milk Scouts now slow everyone they hit
  • The Heal-on-Kill Heavy is not a gatebot anymore, also became Heal-on-Hit
Wave 5
  • Remade Wave 5 entirely
Wave 6
  • Skullcutters have become infinite support
  • Nerfed the scout support

Read the rest of this update entry...


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
whoops, this is why you shouldn't update things late at night :D
actually updated the assets now


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
Surprise, I'm not dead! Just mostly.

--Beta 1--

Map changes:
  • A bunch of geometry changes for the hatch and gate area
  • Fixed a case where A's sidespawn won't stop spewing sparks if the wave ends before the fence fully opens
  • Artpassed the map a bit
  • Axed off an entirely unnecessary area near the base
  • Moved Engineer-bot hints around a bit to stop them falling off things while beating up their sentries
  • Returned an old friend, as a special thanks for map testers
Mission changes:

  • The Bowmen on Wave 3 are no longer Support 1
  • Fastened the spawn rates of the Soldiers on Wave 1 a bit again
  • Slowed down and reduced the amount of Conch+Heavy combo on Wave 2
  • Gave all Tanks more health
  • Added more health to the Heal-on-Hit Heavy on Wave 4 (from 6000 to 12000)
  • Gave the Heal-on-Hit Heavy something to shield its face with
  • Replaced the FaN Giants on Wave 5 with Giant Stunner Soldier GateBots
  • Replaced the Giant Heavy's Giant Medics with non-popping Giant Medics on Wave 6

Read the rest of this update entry...
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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
--Beta 2--

General Changes:
  • Removed the dumptruck in A to get rid of a chokepoint
  • Switched Sniper's van with something that isn't fucking huge filesize-wise
  • Switched to Well's Skybox
  • Added 3D Skybox
  • Tried to improve clipping in some places

Read the rest of this update entry...


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
Oh yes, I almost forgot to even specify the mission changes for b2:

  • Scouts on Wave 6 are no longer Support 1
  • Added Heavyweight Champs to spawn in when the final Tank drives in
  • Tanks are a bit tankier now
  • Fixed Super Scouts getting stunned by gate capture
  • Wave 4 got an additional Armored Sandman Scout


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
-- Beta 3 --

  • General lighting changes around the map
    • Env lighting touches to make shadows less potent in the map
    • Lighting up interiors and the Grinder area a bit
  • Minor visual touches in the 3D Skybox and Gate areas
  • Sprinkled some detailing in the hatch area
  • Compiled with better lighting settings than last time
  • Said goodbye to an old friend again (It ran its course)
    • The floating container floated off after losing the weight that held it there for this long :cool:
Mission Changes


  • Replaced Giant Blast Soldier on Wave 5 with another set of Giant Heavy and QF medics

Read the rest of this update entry...


Feb 7, 2008
The main interior spaces have ceilings much brighter than they need to be. Hatch area, middle warehouse. Here's a shot of Mannhattan's hatch area. There's two reasons why ceilings often end up dark - one, lights have reflective cones that focus the entire output of the bulb in a single direction, making them more efficient, and two, because players don't need to look there.

You should also try to have lights shine onto walls. It can create some really nice effects. There's a bit of this happening by the grinder in your map, but there's props in the way and the lighting isn't bright enough to really sell the effect. You can also apply this to your indoor areas, like the two lights in the back of that Mannhattan screenshot.

Light coming out of windows doesn't work like this.

Obvious ghost lighting 1 and 2. I assume this is meant to brighten up some dark corners, but it should be felt more than seen.

tl;dr: use light_spot more often than light


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
The spook lighting at the train is a left-over from before the smarter lighting and apparently getting rid of it doesn't turn that corner too dark anymore, as for the other one near the containers: I forgot to put in the bulb model that would've showed where the light comes from :confused:

Those are some nice pointers, tho. We'll see how I fuck up addressing those in a bit :D


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
The following change isn't really worth a RC2 release:

  • The Conch-Pyro gatebots on Wave 6 spawn a bit faster now
  • The Soldiers on Wave 6 spawn before the Scouts now so the bomb doesn't get trapped on the sides like earlier


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
--Release Candidate 4--

  • Fixed a spot where players could leave level boundaries
  • Fixed a visual goof over at the grinder
  • Fixed bombpath markers not showing when the map first loads
  • Fixed a fence being solid and causing some collision issues
  • Fixed a case where the middle door at the front doesn't close when A is captured
  • Fixed a case where bots could skip bombpaths via the forward upgrade station area
  • Fixed a navigation goof at the grinder area
  • Made the bulb at the front nonsolid so folks can stop bumping into it
  • Reshaped the ramp leading to A's capture point so it doesn't block the tank door
  • Retooled Gatetank's map logic to better illustrate its function
  • Added Intermediate difficulty
  • Added Advanced2 difficulty (by The One of Wonders)

Mission Changes

  • Reduced Totalcount of the Soldiers on W1 by 8
  • The Charged Soldiers on W1 are no longer gatebots
  • Changed Demoman inf support on W2 to Bowmen
  • The Black Box Giants on W2 are no longer gatebots
  • Changed FaN Scouts on W5 to Poison Bowmen

Read the rest of this update entry...


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
  • Fixed a dumb error causing the gate alarm to play forever
  • Fixed the upgrade station staying disabled if players fail a wave
  • Fixed a case where bots can get trapped inside A when a tank dies
  • Merasmus has reclaimed his lost television
  • Special request: added a relay to disable return timers

Read the rest of this update entry...


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 24, 2017
Hello, Fillmore.

I got a chance to play your map and I have to say, this is a pretty fun map. I just came to say that I feel the 50 foot nuke bot feels a little left out of the second area. I'm not sure if this would be a good change, but maybe after the bots capture A, maybe 45 seconds after it is captured, the giant demo could pop out somewhere in that area by elevator. This is a completely optional change, and I'm not sure how complicated making that mechanic would be, so don't fret too much about it.


P.S. I'm glad this was one of the maps in Titanium Tank, and I hope to see another community tour in the future.