-route to warehouse now comes from basement, is wider, and longer, which should make it less ambush-friendly
-route to pool room is further away from pool
-added route from upper room to rotate into warehouse
-removed full health
-moved medium ammo inside
-added medium health by ammo
-made upper roof exit wider
-reworked stairwell
-removed blue side doorway into building inside of warehouse
-moved medium ammo into building
-added staircase up to platform from track area
-opened area underneath stairs
-added medium health/ammo under stairs
-route to pool room is further away from pool and has less of a height advantage
-moved small health/ammo inside
-added more stairs up to A long flank red side
-moved full ammo by A choke to the roofed area
-made pool room longer to provide a larger fighting space around the track
-made warehouse longer
-reworked upper warehouse room red side stairs to be 2:3 slope instead of 1:1
-adjusted red spawn to hopefully be less campable??
-adjusted ramp in blue spawn so you can't get caught on it
-added small ammo near DIXIE sign
-added small health to basement room near loading dock
-added small health to upper warehouse room
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