
CP Desertion rc

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Sep 11, 2013
I'm gonna redo BLU spawn entirely, either for a11 or the next version, depending on how I feel.

As for the final cap, I've thought about a ramp but I want to see how this plays so far. I may lower it ~8 units so you don't have to crouch jump up there, but I'll probably leave it as is for at least a few versions.


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 4, 2009
I liked the latest version much more than the previous one I played, but I have to agree on the second point. Add some planks or something so people can walk up more easily.

I thought that huge yard between points one and two was pretty boring in general. I'd expect to see something pretty cool there, maybe some heights and fun geometry to play on.


Sep 11, 2013
Download cp_desertion_a11.

Each area is slightly different enough and it has been long enough ago that I'm posting pics of the whole thing again. Actually I should have done another overhead, oh well








rebuilt and added a third exit to blu spawn
very slightly modified the courtyard before A
moved some doors around
brightened some things
raised the blockade between A and B a little
added a ramp for red to go over easier
changed a bit of health and ammo
nerfed blu's left flank into B
added a ramp onto blu's right flank into B for red
reduced the time added for capping A by 90 seconds
increased the time to cap B by 1 second
plugged the roof of the shack outside blu spawn
playerclipped some things
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L5: Dapper Member
Oct 9, 2009
This is looking like some very interesting gameplay areas, and you seem to have fixed any scaling problems too. Get this in a gameday man!


Sep 11, 2013
I've mostly been doing impromptus during the day since I have VIP and gamedays fill up so quickly. But sure, I'll try to throw it in the next one.


Sep 11, 2013
The test tonight on the Cafe worried me. Gonna test a11 at least once or twice more before I work on the next version. Thanks to everyone that played.


Sep 11, 2013
Don't like my own map.

  • The building just outside of BLU spawn on stilts is stupid, useless, and annoying. I don't like it.
  • I need a way to make the far flank onto A as useful as it is without the barrier, but still block stair snipers.
  • The A to B transition is horrible.
  • B isn't fun to attack because no combat actually goes on around the point. It's scattered into tiny rooms, engie fests, and half-skirmishes in the yard.

If anyone has ideas they wish to give me, go for it. I'm going to unify the yard in front of B with some kind of building so that there's actually an area to fight in, then open up the huge door I think. Couple other things.

But I really like A. A is really good.


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 4, 2009
Don't like my own map.


If anyone has ideas they wish to give me, go for it. I'm going to unify the yard in front of B with some kind of building so that there's actually an area to fight in, then open up the huge door I think. Couple other things.

But I really like A. A is really good.

I like the yard being totally outside, but it needs to be less flat. moving from point a to b should feel uphill or downhill in general, and even though you do have high ground on either side, there's still a huge boring area in the middle. There's also a general lack of cover, which contributes to the problem. I've been trying to come up with ideas for what I'd like to see, but I don't have anything good, really.
Jan 20, 2010
Honestly, I enjoyed playing on it today. I wish there was more safe spots for engies, maybe, but really, I enjoyed it. I MIGHT suggest scaling up the room around A a bit.

I'll give a run around later and see if maybe I can give some more specific feedback.


Sep 11, 2013
put some walls in the left flank to A, and didn't cut them off so they go through the roof
removed the low wall on the A flank again
minor geometry changes outside the A building
redid the yard between the A and B buildings
changed the small ammo in the hight left flank to B to a medium one
changed the right flank (was low to high ground, is now high to low ground)
forgot to put pickups on the right flank i'm so sorry
replaced all the health/ammo overlays with regular patches or wood planks

Download cp_desertion_a12







Sep 11, 2013
If anyone would like to say some things about Desertion (especially Irish Taxi Driver, seemed like you enjoyed it but had a lot of tips about stuff) I'd appreciate some posts. Otherwise onto a13 soon!


L6: Sharp Member
Sep 27, 2008
Hello. I left you a few notes, and I do like the map, but yeah there are a few things I'd suggest for improvement.

One of the things I saw quite a bit of were awkward areas, like where supports met the ground and crevices in rocks and stuff. I know why you did it too (I do it too), you have a set of rules for how stuff works in the map and it had to be there. Really, don't worry about that. Worry about how it plays first and then fit the detailing around that.

I'm not a big fan of dead ends in maps either. Its more of a quake mapping thing but it just bugs the hell out of me. I missed a shot of the area to the right of the rock crevice with the items, simplify that down!

I'd also say over-emphasis the main route to the cap points. Some lights, those dirt tracks for the trucks, stuff like that. Players are goldfish and will go to whatever looks the most appealing.

Speaking of the cap, That improvised ramp in front should really be a walkable thing. The only way up right now is that path in the back, and while its fine, it needs more access points. I also think its a wee bit small.

Also that area to the left in the shot, its a little cluttered. Simplify it up. Turn that giant ramp at mid-left to a 96 or 128 staircase hugging the wall and extend that ledge all the way over.

Another thing, I don't think the forward spawn is needed at all. Blue was able to roll the last cap really easily, and while they should have the advantage, it was too much of an advantage. You could probably get away with shortening (or not touching at all) their spawn timers.

Remove this building. I think it just over complicates the area and whatever that building had you could put into the little battlements area. I'd also say move the ramp out to where the red planks are, but I would also suggest some kind of something in the middle to break out that large flat lower area.

I think this should be closer to the ground or have some improvised ramps up to it. I know its not hurting anyone by having it a little off the ground.

Otherwise, I think you're off to a great start. You have some good sizing going on and the flow was decent.


Sep 11, 2013
I'm going to make some edits, see if it plays alright, and then remove the forward spawn and play with respawn timers. Probably reduce Red's before A is capped. It's already 2/10, and I don't want to deviate from that much. Maybe 2/8 and then 2/10 or even 2/9 and 2/11.

The forward spawn is there because Gorge has one, and they are similar in size, though Gorge is a bit wider. The points, though, are pretty different from Gorge's, and maybe that changes things enough. I'm not happy with the forward spawn anyway so I don't mind getting rid of it for a bit at least. The other thing about Gorge is that it's easier for Red to push Blu back into the hallways, and it's a bit trickier to push Blu back on this. That's something I've been attempting to address and I've gone a bit further in a13 so far.

A lot of this is stuff people have been telling me to do for a while, but I tend to make smaller changes to easier diagnose issues. However, it's all appreciated, and I'm going to take nearly all of your advice pretty much immediately; I feel like I understand what changes affect things a bit more at this point.

Thanks a ton.

Edit: But tell me what this means, if you please:

Also that area to the left in the shot, its a little cluttered. Simplify it up. Turn that giant ramp at mid-left to a 96 or 128 staircase hugging the wall and extend that ledge all the way over.

Just not sure which shot you mean.
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Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008


Sep 11, 2013
YES! I've been looking for how to do this for ages. I will take care of it for some future version, the impending a13 or (dare I say it) b1.


Sep 11, 2013
Download cp_desertion_a13

First post has pictures etc

fixed the walls on the left flank to A going through the roof
deleted the building directly outside blu spawn
changed the ramp to the deck before A
removed a ramp inside the A building
made the junk pile to A easier to walk up
widened the bridge to A
added a semi-boarded window overlooking A from the back for demos/soldiers to be jerks with if they want
added a small building before B, under the right corridor
moved a lot of things in B around
added ramps to get on B easier
added a balcony on blu's left flank to help jump classes get in there
put health and ammo on the right flank
upgraded a lot of health and ammo (no full healths still)
increased the brightness back to upward's default

I just found this gif of a baby

It (the map, not the gif) is on the US/EU server
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