
CP Desertion rc

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Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
Yeah, too bad we didn't get to test it after those big changes. I honestly don't think it was my map anymore than yours though. They both had 'pre cache errors'. I think my errors was a vmt named the same as a valve one I was using for models (the missing texture).

I don't know if you did something similar with your textures. I know locally I had a lot of pre cache errors due to custom hats I've made using the same names as Valve ones for testing, but none of that stuff was packed. And I believe that's just due to the server being set at pure 1.

My map also hasn't crashed anything before and I've only added a few models.
I did try and get someone to try and reload but it was a no go. I bet it was just a server crash.

Get it up on the next gameday if you can.


Sep 11, 2013
I uploaded A7 a moment ago, there is all the relevant stuff in the OP. It's mostly a formality because I'm going to scrap the layout and make something more linear and vertical. Thanks to people that put up with this while I made bad decisions!


Sep 11, 2013
Download cp_desertion_a8.

I've completely redone the map from scratch.









L6: Sharp Member
Nov 4, 2009
that dead end next to cp1 pisses me off and feels weird, other than that I thought it was alright. walk times to cp1 felt weird at first.
Apr 13, 2009
Well it's clearly better than your previous version but it still has some issues.
-BLU spawn : needs large exits, you may want to physically separate the area where players actually spawn so that it's nearly impossible for RED to shoot there (except with a lucky roller maybe). A third exit is maybe not needed but it's expected. It didn't happen during the playtest but if RED wanted to spawncamp BLU the could do it very well...
-cap A : the barrier that blocks the flanking route feels awkard. At least put a hole in the middle so that you can be standing and shooting without a brush in your crosshairs. The other two entrances are too narrow, you're making dustbowl feel open, there. The layout is right, though. Just give us a little more space to fight around the point proper.
-cap B : Faaaar from BLU spawn. A is already pushing it but B is worse. If you're going to keep those distances, BLU will need a forward spawn (like gorge). Feels dark down there, you may want to open that roof or find out some other lighting source. Hard to comment on the cap layout itself because there was barely any real fighting there as most BLU players were killed before reaching it.


Sep 11, 2013
that dead end next to cp1 pisses me off and feels weird, other than that I thought it was alright. walk times to cp1 felt weird at first.
It's not any different from any other health/ammo nook you can walk over. Though I guess I could shuffle things around and at least let you get back into A through another door.

Quoting myself because I just looked at the screenshots two posts above and saw a big hole in the roof... :O
Was it there in the version we played ?

Yeah, it was. It's still too dark in there.

I'll add a forward spawn and mess around with things. I'm unhappy with this, basically.


Sep 11, 2013
Also if anyone wants to do paintovers I almost always do exactly what they show.
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L5: Dapper Member
Dec 18, 2010
First point and area around the spawn is really much better, nice work with that! The last point is still fairly uninteresting, and could do with another route from the 2nd cap building to the outside, perhaps on a different wall like this:





Sep 11, 2013
Someone tell me what to do with this thing right out of BLU spawn. I don't like it, I don't like playing on it, I don't like seeing it, it's stupid, no one uses it. Replacing it or modifying it would help destroy the symmetry this area has which I swear wasn't on purpose.



In the coming A9: geometry changes, prop shuffling, a slightly different final point (not happy with that either, tbh) and a forward spawn for BLU.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
Good to see you decided to stick with the same general layout. From the screens it's looking much better, looking forward to seeing it in game.

Hate to comment too much not seeing it in game yet, I think the issue with the building in front of blu might be that it goes against the grain. ie: players are moving forward, but it seems to be a sideways path.
a few things that might help... The rocks kindof block blu from getting to them, so it looks like it's more of a bonus building for red.Move the rocks to the red side of the ramp so blu can use them for cover, get in there easier (and move the ramp closer to blu (maybe only one side ?)

removing a window or two (the glass) so snipers can use it might help.
maybe a hole in the floor to drop down into the pit.

C looks to have the same issues as before, just a really huge, tall room. How about some balconies to fight from, jump to, etc... you have enough space for it, that would also break up sight lines. Look closely at Gorge last point, you could have similar zones in there. You could put some 'detail rooms' under some of the balconies to fill space, but also make it look useful interesting.

the arch building and round roof are nice touches too, will make it easy to remember the map.
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Sep 11, 2013
A9 is out. B isn't much different, but it should be easier to attack now. I still don't really like it. There's a changelog below if you're curious.

Download cp_desertion_a9.






brightened blu spawn a little
added a blu forward spawn
widened a lot of doors around A
added a hole in the roof of the building immediately outside the blu spawn
added a shortcut from the central area outside A to the A flank
moved the geometry around the dead end from a8 to make it not a dead end
lowered the height of the arch
replaced the jump into the upper flank to B with a bridge
added health and ammo to the far side of the B building
lowered the cap time on B
pushed red's secondary spawns farther into the walls and added crates in front of them
applied nobuild to the props in B
added two more doors into B
brightened up B
changed around and added some signs
defaulted back to the coalmines textures for the ground and cliffs
rotated the map 180 degrees to change the shadow angles
made the map slightly less bright
probably more crap


Sep 11, 2013
So if anyone has specific feedback they wanna give me, or like, wants to do some paintovers, now is the time because I'm gonna be working on A10 pretty soon.


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 18, 2010
Everything is quite good, except for the very final cap area which is still pretty uninteresting and still pretty much just a box with props in it. You might want to consider more level geometry in the last building, or height variations there, or something.


Sep 11, 2013
I'm planning to redo the entire final building: move it, rotate it, rebuild from scratch. Currently the map is in kind of an L shape, but I'm going to make it a straight line (marvel at my content-aware filling skills):


The reason for this is just that BLU rarely ever goes around the far side of the B building and attacks from that side. It's not meant to be easier, it just doesn't happen. It's a flaw in the level geometry: why leave A and go left when going right takes you to the enemy? By rotating B, you just go straight, eliminating the choices and extending the possibility for varied height combat via the high left path. Also, that high path can easily transfer into a vantage point inside B itself, which is something B desperately needs.

Still looking to redo the area right outside of BLU spawn, but I don't have a lot of ideas.


Sep 11, 2013
OK! Thanks for playing that today. If anyone has more specific comments or wants to reiterate something that they left in game, feel free. I especially love when you draw on screenshots.

I'll begin work on a11 pretty soon!
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Apr 13, 2009
BLU spawn : it's stil a little ridiculous that BLU only has 2 very narrow doors to get out of it. In the long run, it's not crippling for BLU but it means someone has to throw themselves on the stickies at round start.
Final cap : maybe could use something that makes it easier to jump on the platform ? Or even a small ramp ?

Overall I like where this is going.