
CP Desertion rc

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Sep 11, 2013

Throwing away what I did before.

Point B.


Sep 11, 2013
Download cp_desertion_a1.

cp_desertion is designed to be a fast-paced CP map similar to Gorge. Attackers first move through an abandoned mine and then into a shipping warehouse where RED houses a forgotten beam gun.

From BLU spawn to the end:






Here's an overhead with general pathing and spawn/CPs noted.

Yes, I know that one rock is ugly as hell.

I'm using some custom assets in this and I'm gonna have to do some work to figure out who made them before I credit them properly. If you notice me using something and it's uncredited, tell me who did it please because I sincerely just didn't realize. That'll be in the first post though.

It'd be nice if someone could run through this and look for spots where I screwed something up before I submit to game day. As far as I can tell everything works fine.
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Just ran through it for you. everything looks to be properly packed and doors seem to work (for red at least :/) You do have a random no entry visualizer on the second CP though, and it can only be seen from one side. Don't know if thats intended. if it is, you could make it so you can see it everywhere.

Just as a little feedback, the map feels large and a little overscaled. I felt I was straining my characters neck to just looking around.


Sep 11, 2013
Maybe it is overscaled.

I don't have any idea why that no entry sign is there at all. There isn't one there in Hammer (unless I screwed up the CP logic somehow).


Sep 11, 2013
I just uploaded A2; the download and the changelog are in the first post if anyone is interested but it's not different enough for screenshots so no big deal.

It's probably overscaled in a couple areas, but I'm gonna have it tested before I start trimming it down just to be sure. Sorry in advance.

It still has this annoying bug.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
Yeah, looking at screens it does seem wide open.

I think I figured out that for normal player (pyro) if you have the scale of dev tex at .25 each square is approx 1 second to run across. Looks like you have the ground set to 1.0, so each (big)square should be 4 seconds (kind of guessing at that).
Don't know what the bridges will be, but maybe having a building over each one (with a crane for unloading trucks?) would be a good way to add cover and shorten distances of being completely exposed.

So in that first shot looks like almost 20 seconds to run across the 'bridges' and the middle is wide open (only cover on sides). So even ducking back and forth it seems like it could be really tough to get across un-sniped.

The red pit looks like it could take you at least 6-8 seconds to get out of if you don't jump up the barrel. Might be unforgiving for anyone trying to escape a soldier/demo/heavy above them. Maybe stairs or ramp on one side would be good. jumping up barrels is alright for an alternative path, but kind of hard as a quick/easy escape.


Sep 11, 2013
If I do anything to that I'll probably just remove a good third of the bridge and stuff under it, I think.

I'm really undecided about whether I think it'll work or not, and I think I decided that for an A2 no one is gonna care that much if it's unbalanced.


Sep 11, 2013
Had a small test with 18 people it confirmed what people were telling me.

A3 is out. Mostly just tightening up the gameplay space and minor tweaks.



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Sep 11, 2013
Bump to remind people to post feedback, if they have anything they wish to add after today's test that isn't in the feedback section. I know it's large.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
'Twas large, so mainly this is how I'd shrink it. Not really the distances which I think are fine, just the area. Not all walls have to be 'wall thickness'. Some can just be big blocks of brush, then stick a door decal on and it looks like more than just a big block.

Gonna post so I can see images for comments...

Like this first shot, just kill a lot of space with big thick brush.

In this one I'd brush in all the red space, just too much area, too open.

same, make point area smaller, bring walls in, make that sentry platform closer to point. Only a sniper could hit it from across the room, maybe soly. But nobody else can even get close, no cover, etc..


I'd fill in all the red, make doors smaller. Turn blu spawn door towards direction they go.

The loop around the hill (not the rocks, but the one I drew house on) is really pointless. Why does anybody need to go around it. You're either red going to A, or Blu from second spawn to B. Around the hill is out of way for both teams. Could put a building on top to close it in some if you keep it.
But the round a bout just lets teams flank each other and/or waste time.

The blu signs should go on forward spawn, You can't go back in forward spawn in Gorge. The signs make red feel like they are past blu spawn when going to A (out of the way anyway, confusing.

The eye/green area denotes how you'd cut down sight lines if you shrink those areas. Takes away a lot of long distance lines.

the thing with the hill in this layout is it lets both teams easily go out of their way/get lost. Adds a lot of playable space that isn't needed. If blu's forward spawn was behind it and they could go over but not around (to left) it might be good. Might also be good just to put the blu spawn in a house up there so they drop down like gorge. You could get rid of a lot of space on the left side there that is wasted.

All the doors are basically way too big, making them smaller will optimize and give better cover everywhere.

I think it's a good layout, the spaces are just too big open. Good for snipes and scouts or engies with that damn remote. And the round-a-bout around the hill is just confusing/wasted space. The times to points seem resonable.

And I didn't get screen of blu first spawn, but like I said in an earlier post. Put a building over one bridge. Make the canal half as deep. It's huge and no one uses it. Block off areas to width of current bridges. Make other bridge almost half width. And I think that area would improve greatly.
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Sep 11, 2013
I dunno, that's what testing is for. Provided RED isn't a huge group of idiots that runs the wrong way despite what I tell them over and over, they should get there in ~6 seconds or less. Before I increased setup time, I was 100 metal away from having a lvl 3 sentry in there when I played right, and I'd always have a lvl 3 up in a decent spot by the time bots arrived when I tested alone. Real people are different, of course, but I think it'll be okay. The entire room is a bit smaller and cozier, as well, so it'll probably be okay. Honestly I kinda just guess at everything.


L666: ])oo]v[
Jul 22, 2009
Regarding Red being idiots, I feel that I should repost this one post
You should remember that players like to
- charge forward, sometimes even ignoring signs
- follow someone who has no idea where he's going
- ignore signs that are in their field of view, but outside tunnel vision
- declare that they are lost while standing under a sign
- declare that they are lost and only then take a look around
- run in circles around one area over and over again when trying to find the right way
- always look only forward, never up or around
- disable their map-learning brain portion and rely on the one that's responsible for going from sign to sign
- run off in exactly the direction you didn't want them to
- never stray off the one path they know if there are no obvious other paths around
- many other wonderful activities that made me rage helplessly when watching demos on my map

Players sometimes prefer going by their gut feeling instead of where the signs tell them to. Maybe an alternate spawn point set that faces the 'right' door and is only enabled while cap1 is not capped could make exiting the spawn more intuitive.


Sep 11, 2013
I do have two spawn points just like that, now. I hope they all don't turn right, ignore the sign telling them to go the way they were facing, and then complain about the enormous walk time again.


Sep 11, 2013
You mean angle the red spawn door?

Right now, when Red spawns before A is capped, they are facing a door. The door says A over it. When they exit, there are 3 signs pointing left. It is hard to walk through them.

When they turn left, there is another sign that says CAPTURE POINT and points left. Next to that there is another A sign. In that door is the point itself.

If people have serious issues turning left, I might do something more. For now, I'm leaving it.


Sep 11, 2013
So supposedly this crashed the server during the impromptu today, but I can't understand how. I can play with 23 other bots just fine, everything is packed correctly, entities are working. What else would crash it?

Basically, I don't think it was my fault. I blame the server or the map before mine, which had model precaching issues but I dunnnooooo

So basically: does anyone want to download this, test it, and tell me what happens?
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Sep 11, 2013
Well, did some testing with Dark and a friend of mine, seems alright. Probably the server just crashed and then I got blamed for it, which is okay I guess. At least this proves I deserve the title of "expert", right?

After a brief excursion into a4a just to make sure my compile wasn't the issue at hand, I've made a5, which is basically identical except I moved some props that were floating/pushed into walls and changed the alpha on the dry riverbed.

Download it here if you want to see it or just want it for the next test, I dunno