I've got a great big list of ideas for contests. They're in no particular order:
1: A
Control Point Map Contest, except that traditional 5CP Push maps are not allowed. To add variety, mappers can have more or less points, play with which start off locked or unlocked and how they are unlocked, and change the positions of the points (for example, neutral points on the left, right, and center and one point for each team).
2: A
Single Stage Payload Race Contest. My favorite game mode seems oddly overlooked by players and mappers alike, and instead plain old Payload is the focus. I enjoy Payload, of course, but I prefer Payload Race because players can choose whether to push their cart or prevent the enemy from pushing theirs. I like also that the levels are perfectly balanced due to their symmetrical layouts. There are only three official Payload Race maps (with Hightower being the best by far, of course), so there's definitely a market for more.
3: A
Payload Tug-Of-War Contest. While I admit I have never played it, PTOW (if that's how you want to abbreviate it) seems like a really awesome custom mode. There must be a lot of tension with each team trying to push the same cart to their enemy's base. Unfortunately, the reason I have not played this mode is because there are so few maps for it, and no servers ever run the ones that are floating around. Perhaps part of the contest could be to make a grey or purple cart that does not appear to face a particular direction, as well as making an introduction movie so that players aren't confused by the mode. If we can't make this mode official, at least maybe we can garner it a bit more exposure and players (though I'm really rooting for an all-community update adding this).
Special Delivery Contest. This one should be a no-brainer. Doomsday is the
only official SD map, and there are almost no custom maps for it out there. That's pretty ridiculous, honestly. We don't even know what kind of potential SD has, because no one's even
tried to tap into it. Out of all of my ideas, this is the one I feel most strongly about.
5: Dynamic
KoTH Contest. This was inspired by the Dynamic Payload Contest and this map:
http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=5372 Nothing more to say about this, really.
Custom Game Mode Contest. I second this. It just seems like an all around great idea. A new mode that still fits the TF2 style would be a real breath of fresh air for mappers and players alike.
Custom Theme Contest. This one's a bit different from all the rest. Whoever hosts the contest will provide a map that's done gameplay-wise and ready for detailing. The point of the contest is to run an art pass on it using
ONLY CUSTOM models and textures.