
CP Conifer rc4

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L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
I understand that, but on the server I play on, those classes are blocked. BLU team is stuck as Medic with a double jump and RED is stuck as Engineer. The map used to be completely fine for us to use, then all of a sudden we get this giant platform that Engineers can build on and wreck havoc on by shooting any people trying to jump up.


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
Alright. I'll see how this goes. We can easily add a nobuild zone up there on our end if its completely necessary.


Feb 7, 2008

this area is too dark. i even pulled my blinds down to eliminate glare but that whole valley is just kinda muddy visually because of the lighting


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
Here's some bugs for version b6 (and this time there's no zombie mode to get in the way of it):


This prop drastically changes shadow type when you are far away enough. Similar can be said about the rocks to the right, however for them it is not as severe.


Potential exploit: Engineers can't reach the top of this box normally, yet it is buildable. That will put an Engineer that gets hit up an advantage, for he can then place his teleporter and get everybody to spawn up here with the teleporter being practically invisible to the enemy team. An easy way to solve this would be to completely nobuild the top of this shipping container.


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018

Found another problem: You can get stuck in this particular spot somehow, preventing you from moving or crouching, forcing you to suicide.


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
  • Removed the dropdown in checkerboard shack on B.
  • Added a doorway from the interior of the checkerboard shack to the elevated platform next to it.
  • Added a window overlooking the point.
  • Added a medium healthkit on the BLU side of the hangar building.
  • Added a small healthkit to the interior of the large red building at A.
  • Opened up the other half of the hole over A so one can walk through the whole thing.
  • Added lamps to the interior of the construction shed.

Read the rest of this update entry...


50 crashes and counting!
Jul 10, 2017
Missing Textures. That's it.

Maps still really pretty though!


L6: Sharp Member
Sep 27, 2008
Really like the theme you've got going here and the creative ways you've solved design problems. That trailer is a cool touch, I don't think I've seen that in a map yet. Ditto for the road tunnel, though it feels overbuilt for the set dressing around it. Those are some cool and unique set pieces that'll really elevate maps. I think the second area could use more cool and clever touches like that. The road feels like a good setpiece to continue more, I'd suggest making it that far left path and wind it closer to the rio grande coal building. That truck cab feels comically small!

I think you need a more defined main path through your capture points and you need to unhide your points. Dustbowls probably not the best example these days because the games evolved so much, but look at the reads on the points there. Your paths get messy quickly and I think you've overdesigned the building and the mine infront of the first cap point. The view out of the construction trailer is difficult and obstructed as well. I'd also suggest knocking down some heights of buildings and cliffs across the map to the minimum amount required to keep the design functioning the way you want. The Salt Rock building on defense side at cap 1 feels superfluous or overbuilt.

Your displacement gets a little fussy near the road by cap 1 where you've got three different displacements intersecting. It feels messy, I think you should simplify it.

Personally I'm not a fan of that netted scaffolding and the view to the BLU spawn through the fence on the road at the first point, and the various other spots on the map where you've used this element. Being able to see people without being able to shoot them is always frustrating in my book.

The Jenkin Coal building at the waterfall needs a re-design. The path widths there don't match, you've got two large doors leading towards a small single person width stairwell, and one of the doors is perpendicular to the path. I ran in there and went through the tunnel because that felt like the path to me, but it just took me back to cap 2.

Cap 2 looks like it plays perpendicularly to how it should go. It looks like you're fighting lengthwise across the point and BLU appears to have a real easy opportunity surrounding three sides of the point. Consider Goldrush last, where its a more head on slugfest to get the final point, or Dustbowl last under the rocket. Set dressing wise, the pit feels too clean especially if the giant trap door above it is sliding around with all that dirt on it. Some hints of dirt on the dressing down there would be a cool little detail.

The helicopter pad at cap 2 feels accessible, and the scout has a perfect jump to get up there. Would it really be so bad if people could get there? A staircase on the other side could get RED up there. I think theres an opportunity there for the path underneath to also echo the shape of the structure, rather than being orthagonal.

The underground path at RED spawn to cap 2 feels REALLY abbreviated. Those stairs need some more room to breathe.

A good effort. Keep it up!


50 crashes and counting!
Jul 10, 2017
"now in beta!"
(might want to update that) Overall this map has come too be very, very beautiful! Good Job Mr. Gator.

arab gaming network

L1: Registered
Jul 9, 2020
Great map, you did a good job. Layout is nice, and playing with some bots was good, though I don't know what it would be like to play in an actual pub though. Overall good map