Block bullets but not rockets

Sgt Steel

L1: Registered
May 1, 2018
I had an idea for a rj map using sentry guns for a unique twist. One part of this idea requires the use of the level 3 sentry's rockets without its bullets. As it doesn't seem there is any way for me to set its bullet count to 0 while still giving it infinite rockets (or even at all), I resorted to blocking the bullets with a brush but allowing the rockets to pass through. However, this is much harder than it sounds and I have found no solutions so far. Anyone know how I could do this?


Feb 7, 2008
I don't believe there is any way to physically filter out hitscan from projectiles. However, there are filters that should allow you to make something only vulnerable to certain kinds of damage.

You should also be able to apply this filter to the player, making them only affected by rockets. I have used this technique before to prevent fall damage in a HL2 map. However, I haven't tested it in TF2, so I can't say with any certainty that it will work, nor do I know how you would set this up to work in a multiplayer server.

Sgt Steel

L1: Registered
May 1, 2018
Thanks for the quick reply! Honestly, I'll probably just cut the jumps that use the level 3s. That filter would probably work, but most of the ideas I came up with are based on the bullet knockback. I don't have any good ideas past syncs for the level 3 rockets. Thanks anyways, though. I'll definitely keep it in mind in case I find a use for it.