
CTF Alexandria b1

Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly submitted a new resource:

Alexandria - Invade CTF right outside the ancient city of Alexandria

Welcome to Alexandria ! Or at least a small island across the Nile from it. Here Red & Blue team find themselves in a re-creation of a completely fictional battle in the Hellenistic period. Grab the flag, capture the enemy team's point, and watch yourself score (and explode).

Alexandria is an Invade CTF point with a capture point flag-cap zone, designed for Ye Olde Contest.

Made & designed in...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Alexandria with a new update entry:

Flag changes & sounds

Still have a lot of things to fix ! My technical know-how isn't the best so bare with me ! In the mean time here's a few tweaks & changes for the gamelogic to facilitate a further back & forth and to try to make the gamemode clearer:

-Moved the capture point holograms onto their respective capturepoints to make it clearer to players that it's the intended cap spot. (Originally they were in a dev room in the skybox.)
-Lowered respawnwave times.
-(Hopefully) fixed the team's CTF radars from...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Alexandria with a new update entry:

Capping isn't so impossible now ! Also hud stuff.

Finally figured out the logic behind getting the control points to have elements while mixing it with the player destruction logic to still have an active score display, after remaking all of the old gamelogic from the ground up as somehow I managed to make the map crash on any team win with the old logic>?>>????

Also apologies for the last version ! Turns out decreasing the respawnwaves massively unsurprisingly makes a cap like this, next to impossible to achieve haha (even with the...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Alexandria with a new update entry:

Moving the point & respawn timers.

Just some gamelogic tweaks, alongside moving the point to the middle of each team's fort to hopefully make it easier to cap.

-Fixed a bug where the flagholder could trigger their own capture region to enable via new filters for flag pickups.
-Made 3 new logic relays based on red/blue picking up the flag & red drop with new outputs.
-Respawnwaves now are both smaller than they were and get adjusted based on flag pickups
-Added a team_round_timer of 15 minutes. Paired with new gamelogic to...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Alexandria with a new update entry:

bleghh I'm sick so tldr update thread

-Increased cap timer from 1 to 2 seconds
-Altered some map detailing
-Hopefully fixed the bell sound playing for too long
-Mildly adjusted respawnwave times for flag carriers by one second (?)
-Fixed soundscape not playing(?)
-Fixed some clipping issues
-Decreased flag reset time(?)
-Added blockout detailing to red spawn

Questionmarks are me being uncertain on if I did those. I'll confirm later but they should be done.

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Alexandria with a new update entry:

I got carried away detailing wise

-Fixed the fuse sound playing after a capture.
-Changed the flag reset timer from 30 seconds to 20 seconds, lowering the amount of time it takes the flag to turn neutral by 5 seconds.
-Fixed some rock clipping.
-Added custom soundscripts for fort-yards, interiors, & the valley.
-Added more detailing for both the blue/red sides of the map.
-Added spectator cams.
-Made the barrels inside of teamspawns breakable.
-Hopefully fixed the water visuals this time around.
-Changed the bomb explosion...

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L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 13, 2020
i don't remeber what version i played exactly, i think it was a4. Very spot on layout, great use of dropdowns, still couldn't figure out exactly how the bomb works.
Also i already sense excelent detailing!
Oct 15, 2017
Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Alexandria with a new update entry:

Contest deadline !

The final update for the deadline, hope the changes play well haha, had no time to test the lower flag return rate changes since it was ignoring the returntime in the entity this entire time due to the initial 40 second flag spawn countdown. So haha whoops! Anyway on with the changes:

-Changed some detailing around the blue towers to be more accurate to Hellenistic fortifications and to add further shape.
-Added a temporary bomb hud icon.
-Started using LizardofOz's CTF hud fix for PD/A/D...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Alexandria with a new update entry:

Minor changes to get back into the swing of frequent updates !

Basic minor stuff, hopefully future updates contain more haha. Before I list the changes still worth nothing beforehand, need to figure out how to claw out the PD sounds & I need to experiment with single cap rounds. But for now yeah small tweaks.

-Fixed some clipping outside of blue & red team's spawns which resulted in annoying to counter perch spots.
-Disabled the collisions from Blue Team's fort propper windows.
-Lit up bridge with brand new torches and lighting entities so it hopefully...

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L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
The world needs more Medieval mode maps, and not only does this one look sick, but the gamemode is pretty unique too! Keep up the cool work!
Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Alexandria with a new update entry:

More minor tweaks yippie

-Added some basic hint brushes for hopefully better vvis cutting related to rendering red & blue's fort-yards.
-Also adjusted some red skybox brushes to also cut off rendering of red-yard at a certain point for optimization.
-Paired with this, red has received further detailing along its walls.
-Made some health-packs on the map larger to experiment with how larger health-packs will be received, since smalls already get dropped by players on death.
-Added a new medium healthpack to...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Alexandria with a new update entry:

Finally experimenting with single caps

Unlikely to stay a permanent thing, I'd like it to remain proper 3 cap invade CTF haha, but I just want to gauge reception for this.

-Made the level now require a single cap pre round instead of 3
-Changed the round timer to 10 minutes from 15
-Doubled the amount of time the control point takes to capture while carrying the flag (2 seconds to 4)
-Changed the sun pitch to -50, making the map a lot sunnier overall
-Added an env_shake entity to the bomb explosion
-Detailed up the highground...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Alexandria with a new update entry:

I should've gotten this done like three weeks ago

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the map's alive the map's alive look it's the beta one I procrastinated on, then I got distracted by a personal project (that's still unfinished), then my SSD died. But hey look it's done now it's done now. I've been working on this in little chunks until recently for so long I forgot most of the changes I made so I will now rattle off everything I personally remember doing.

-Changed a bunch of existing terrain into much nicer smooth curvy displacements waow
-Added a...

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