
Medieval Alexandria b1

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the map's alive the map's alive look it's the beta one I procrastinated on, then I got distracted by a personal project (that's still unfinished), then my SSD died. But hey look it's done now it's done now. I've been working on this in little chunks until recently for so long I forgot most of the changes I made so I will now rattle off everything I personally remember doing.

-Changed a bunch of existing terrain into much nicer smooth curvy displacements waow
-Added a bunch more skybox brushes along roofs to help with optimisation & area portals
-Added more propfades
-Changed a bunch of existing fort-trim geometry to props to save on brushsides (I hit the cap in one compile). They now have much nicer lighting due to this honestly not a bad trade if I do say so myself.
-Tried to fix a bunch of luxel scale issues on brushes which are mostly covered (some are still very dark face wise)
-Fixed a few clipping issues that existed in previous versions which no one noticed.
-Fixed an issue where the mild highground around each team's obelisk weren't symmetrical with each other.
-Added a bunch of out of bounds detailing

& lastly,
-Changed the gamemode back to three captures. But lowered the timer from the old standard of 15 minutes. (I believe to 8 now?).

1 capture while I'm glad I experimented with it didn't feel great. Put a much greater emphasis on having to play much safer if on the backfoot due to that single cap being your lifeline, & made rounds significantly shorter (too short imo).

The round length issue could be addressed by making the point capture take longer again as it did in older versions, but I worry that to do that I'd also have to rebalance respawn times to make them longer for the defending team in tandem. Idk may be worth experimenting with still but I do like the short respawnwave times 3caps allows for while still making capping possible.

Goal is to trim how long rounds last for now with 3 captures, and in future versions I want to try & see if I can get some kind of overtime feature to compensate for any potential stalemates ie. sudden death. idk we'll see. I'm still not good at gamelogic haha. I just do layout and detailing normally.
Unlikely to stay a permanent thing, I'd like it to remain proper 3 cap invade CTF haha, but I just want to gauge reception for this.

-Made the level now require a single cap pre round instead of 3
-Changed the round timer to 10 minutes from 15
-Doubled the amount of time the control point takes to capture while carrying the flag (2 seconds to 4)
-Changed the sun pitch to -50, making the map a lot sunnier overall
-Added an env_shake entity to the bomb explosion
-Detailed up the highground outside of each team's house
-Re-did red team's archway tower (the tower that was originally there looked a little more boring imo and was actually based on like a 15th century Cairo wall vs the new Ptolemaic Egypt inspired wall which makes sense when contrasted with the Hellenistic backdrop of blue team & red team's ancient Egyptian architecture.)
-Fixed and improved some staircase trims which were misaligned
(Thank you catboy torture for noticing the trims were misaligned I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise but I recoiled when I saw it lmfao, tbf bad staircases anyway originally the stairs were flushed with the wall that's MESSED up so now the trim follows the stairs all the way like they should otherwise they'd be really really ugly haha like you can't have stairs flushed against the wall without the trim that's like really off looking I'm shocked I didn't really notice that it was like that originally)
-Added some basic hint brushes for hopefully better vvis cutting related to rendering red & blue's fort-yards.
-Also adjusted some red skybox brushes to also cut off rendering of red-yard at a certain point for optimization.
-Paired with this, red has received further detailing along its walls.
-Made some health-packs on the map larger to experiment with how larger health-packs will be received, since smalls already get dropped by players on death.
-Added a new medium healthpack to cliff-side
-Removed a single fence from cliff-side to make it easier to knock players in, this is a silly experimental change to see if more people feed the crocodiles.
-Lowered the time the tutorial popup timer stays around for, so it hopefully doesn't interrupt player vision once they enter mid for combat.
-Lowered the PD round ending timer to 0 seconds from 3, stopping the PD end of round sounds from playing. That's one of the sounds killed :nail:.
-Adjusted the highground layout by each spawn's valley house's alongside adding new cover.
-Added new prop-fades.
Basic minor stuff, hopefully future updates contain more haha. Before I list the changes still worth noting beforehand, need to figure out how to claw out the PD sounds & I need to experiment with single cap rounds. But for now yeah small tweaks.

-Fixed some clipping outside of blue & red team's spawns which resulted in annoying to counter perch spots.
-Disabled the collisions from Blue Team's fort propper windows.
-Lit up bridge with brand new torches and lighting entities so it hopefully isn't as dark now.
-Added an instant respawn for everyone dead post-cap. This is both to make capping less punishing (despite still being a good method for resetting player positions), & to make the mid fight ideally more even for the bomb's respawn timer.
-Fixed a texture seam on red fort's trim.
-Removed the braziers from each respective team dropdown at mid, to make it a weaker hold spot for Huntsman Snipers (As they could not be pressured at all by melee classes unless they ran all the way around or managed to trimp onto the ledge).
-Decreased the time to cap particles linger for (I think?)
-Fixed the soundscape not packing (I think x2 Hopefully the custom soundscript file packed this time)
-Changed the skybox texture from sky_goldrush_01 to sky_desert_01 (Thank you Katsu for the recommendation!)
-Added some experimental highground around each team's mid pickups
-Added some extra occluders for hopefully a mild increase in performance
-Added some hint brushes for the same reason. I'm new to optimization haha hopefully it hasn't botched anything.
-Fixed a vvis issue that resulted in the ground vanishing at one specific spot of the map. A visual bug which somehow did not happen on the other side of the map despite the map being mirrored. Portalflow moment.
-Repacked the bomb temp bomb hud icon into the map so it's no longer a missing texture !
The final update for the deadline, hope the changes play well haha, had no time to test the lower flag return rate changes since it was ignoring the returntime in the entity this entire time due to the initial 40 second flag spawn countdown. So haha whoops! Anyway on with the changes:

-Changed some detailing around the blue towers to be more accurate to Hellenistic fortifications and to add further shape.
-Added a temporary bomb hud icon.
-Started using LizardofOz's CTF hud fix for PD/A/D combo huds. (Finally, I procrastinated on adding this haha) (Thank you Radial !).
-Improved rock clipping at mid.
-Gave clipping more parity on both team's side of the level.
-Bomb return timer is now 18 seconds, meaning it spends 9 seconds as the pickup's team bomb & 9 seconds neutral.
-Added temporary detailing to the mid bridge (ugly), & a hay bale prop to indicate where the bomb spawns. (Considered making it a patch but since I'm using the white one for health pickups & that's the only neutral shade ehhhh)
-Fixed an issue where the bomb had a delay on being disabled meaning it could be picked up instantly after a cap before the flag spawn timer began.
-Fixed an issue where players could spawn with the bomb.
-HOPEFULLY fixed an issue where two radars would appear at once.

(Tried disabling the permanent capturezones I have in the level geometry when the actual capzones become active, I have these perma capzones to initially ping the radar to go in the right direction otherwise it just wouldn't point at anything (I'm bad at gamelogic and I was only made to make ok layouts then make them pretty)).
-Did temp detailing for red/blue spawn
-Added area portals & propfades
-Added occluders
-Fixed the bomb timer defaulting to 40 due to bomb spawn timers, it now takes 10 seconds to turn neutral and 20 seconds overall to return to mid, as opposed to the previous 20/40 split.
-Fixed various clipping around the map
-Turned off collisions from certain ceiling braziers around the map.
-Fixed the fuse sound playing after a capture.
-Changed the flag reset timer from 30 seconds to 20 seconds, lowering the amount of time it takes the flag to turn neutral by 5 seconds.
-Fixed some rock clipping.
-Added custom soundscripts for fort-yards, interiors, & the valley.
-Added more detailing for both the blue/red sides of the map.
-Added spectator cams.
-Made the barrels inside of teamspawns breakable.
-Hopefully fixed the water visuals this time around.
-Changed the bomb explosion sound.
-Increased cap timer from 1 to 2 seconds
-Altered some map detailing
-Hopefully fixed the bell sound playing for too long
-Mildly adjusted respawnwave times for flag carriers by one second (?)
-Fixed soundscape not playing(?)
-Fixed some clipping issues
-Decreased flag reset time(?)
-Added blockout detailing to red spawn

Questionmarks are me being uncertain on if I did those. I'll confirm later but they should be done.
Just some gamelogic tweaks, alongside moving the point to the middle of each team's fort to hopefully make it easier to cap.

-Fixed a bug where the flagholder could trigger their own capture region to enable via new filters for flag pickups.
-Made 3 new logic relays based on red/blue picking up the flag & red drop with new outputs.
-Respawnwaves now are both smaller than they were and get adjusted based on flag pickups
-Added a team_round_timer of 15 minutes. Paired with new gamelogic to ensure team wins or stalemates based on final team scores.
-Reduced the point capture time from 2 seconds to 1 second, so it can be capped twice as fast now while still allowing for the defending team to contest for frantic last holds.
-Flag now has a placeholder bomb model.
-Added a small tutorial text popup on round starts to tell players the objective.
-Added more temporary detailing on red & blue's teamsides.
-Moved the capture point to the middle of each team's spawnyard, rather than being at the back-end.