3 word story


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarhea. Instead it


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 8, 2011
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarhea. Instead it confuses them because


Basically? Kind of a Huge Mess
Mar 6, 2013
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will ever do the


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to conga into space,
Oct 6, 2008
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will ever do the funky chicken dance


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to conga into space, without a rocket


Basically? Kind of a Huge Mess
Mar 6, 2013
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will ever do the funky chicken dance. In other news,


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarrhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to conga into space, without a rocket. No one cares


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will ever do the funky chicken dance. In other news, everyone cared about


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarrhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to conga into space, without a rocket. No one cares about news when


May 18, 2014
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will ever do the funky chicken dance. In other news, everyone cared about


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarrhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to conga into space, without a rocket. No one cares about news when Lord Haha shitted


Basically? Kind of a Huge Mess
Mar 6, 2013
Had to fix it for you, Felix

In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will ever do the funky chicken dance. In other news, everyone cared about Princess Misery urinating into a golden


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarrhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to conga into space, without a rocket. No one cares about news when Lord Haha shitted atop a silver


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will ever do the funky chicken dance. In other news, everyone cared about Princess Misery urinating into a golden toilet. Which totaly


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarrhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to conga into space, without a rocket. No one cares about news when Lord Haha shitted atop a silver teapot. Which wasn't
Oct 6, 2008
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will ever do the funky chicken dance. In other news, everyone cared about Princess Misery urinating into a golden toilet. Which totally filled a big


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarrhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to conga into space, without a rocket. No one cares about news when Lord Haha shitted atop a silver teapot. Which wasn't actually a teapot.


Basically? Kind of a Huge Mess
Mar 6, 2013
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will ever do the funky chicken dance. In other news, everyone cared about Princess Misery urinating into a golden toilet. Which totally filled a big box of rocks.


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarrhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to conga into space, without a rocket. No one cares about news when Lord Haha shitted atop a silver teapot. Which wasn't actually a teapot. In other words,


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
In this Universe Heavies are slow and they wear tutus as accessories. For dinner they always eat some beer coated sandwiches because reasons, and insanity don't always cause spontaneous farts. However they completely understand that no one will ever do the funky chicken dance. In other news, everyone cared about Princess Misery urinating into a golden toilet. Which totally filled a big box of rocks. And suddenly pineapples!


In the Mirror Universe Heavies are Fast and they wear tutus as hats. For breakfast they never consume any alcohol lacking soup because morality, and sanity always cause spontaneous diarrhea. Instead it confuses them because everyone tries to conga into space, without a rocket. No one cares about news when Lord Haha shitted atop a silver teapot. Which wasn't actually a teapot. In other words, it became unreadable.
Oct 6, 2008
Our next journey takes us to a pyroland filled


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 8, 2011
Our next journey takes us to a pyroland filled with evil cp_junctions as deathpits. ETF2L was going to


May 18, 2014
Our next journey takes us to a pyroland filled with evil cp_junctions as deathpits. ETF2L was going to say hello to