
  1. Gothic Organist

    Small Renaissance Prop Pack V1

    Small prop pack of props I made as preparation of dec 2021's 72h mapping contest. Contains balcony door, 2 windows, stairs, arches, and 2 balcony variations. Both vary a little in width and the wide one has 2 skins: one with and one without red ammo pack patch texture. Please credit me if you...
  2. Engineer Gaming!

    koth_hoogus_swamp A3

    A urban and rural styled king of the hill map.
  3. Engineer Gaming!

    hoogus_swamp A3

    Two exits for spawns leading to a urban building which then presents the outside swamp area, with a control point to the left from red side, it has multiple pillars for rocket and sticky jumping along with an upper rock area for snipers.
  4. 14bit

    rd_14bit A4

    there's robots, and they're in london don't stand on the tracks, they are electrified also watch out for the trains
  5. Kiglirs

    Hiroba a6

    A koth map in night themed after a 70's or 80's Tokyo. This isn't my 1st try of a map, but i think that's the most developped attempt i've ever done.
  6. Default Guy

    koth_metropolis a9a

    WIP Koth_metropolis is a competitive Koth map taking place in 1970s New York City inspired by Cascade and Ashville.
  7. ABpriceHI45

    Pervade - Stage 1 a4

    stage 1 of pervade Urban Map in cp_gorge gorge and 'dustbowl' style, set somewhere in non-existent man(n)hattan area Custom Stuff Credits http://frontline.tf/pack.html https://tf2maps.net/threads/bulletcrops-content-pack.36675/ https://tf2maps.net/downloads/dusk-till-dawn-skyboxes.7608/...
  8. ABpriceHI45

    Multi Stage Pervade a4

    my 'attempted remake' to my old 2nd map, WOWw Multi-stage CP Map, cant explain but stage 1: A>B stage 2: A+B>C --------------------------------------------- Stage 1 inspired of cp_brooklynn https://tf2maps.net/threads/brooklynn.39119/ ------------------------------- Custom Stuff Credits...
  9. iGraceTTG

    2Garage A3

    This is my first TF2 map I've ever done, so it's a little bit raw since I did it in 2 days. However, it's playable and you can jump up to the walls near the point.
  10. RatsInYourWalls

    KOTH Urban Station [decommissioned] A8b

    This map isn't fun to play on. I doubt I can salvage this map
  11. Gothic Organist

    Eclectic Bricks Pack 1.3

    12 different brick textures for buildings with a more well maintained look than standard TF2 brick textures. The come in 4 base colours (rusty red, light orange, brown and cream white) and each has multiple variations of stripes. Every texture includes fitting normal map (what gives an illusion...
  12. JackHundeswald

    The Palm Plaza Course Mapping Contest

    THE PALM PLAZA COURSE MAPPING CONTEST Poster by Dr Hund. Any Moderators thinking that something's wrong with this thread? Just tell me. HELLO EVERYONE! My name is Dr Hund, a mapper just like you (normally) who has been working on a project since December 2020. This map is...
  13. Chains-

    Bricktown a7

    Bricktown is a single-stage Payload map with 4 cap points. This map is a reimagined take of "Bricktown 2020" VRChat World by Roflgator and Sn0wBreeze. Some parts of town are missing/different, but I might add/change them on later updates. -Credits & Special Thanks- Thank you to Roflgator and...
  14. cloth

    72hr map speetroit A1

    A mannhattan/any map with a large cave inspired two cp map, nipple point second, sniper can basically lock down blu's path like badwater, working spawn rooms, caves and brick apartments and hopefully good first ever map posted on this very cool and epic site, very bad detail because this is...
  15. fuzzymellow

    Fuzzy's Urban Reskin Pack V1

    Includes several sets of colorful reskins for essential props. Also includes a prop zoo .vmf, with a prefab for the generator lights as seen in Laughter. For lower filesizes, be sure to only pack the skins you're using in your map!
  16. Chains-

    Cybertech b1

    Cybertech is a single-stage Payload map with 4 cap points. BLU is tasked to retrieve a mysterious cube from RED with the help of their special payload. Credits & Special Thanks Content Packs Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack by A Boojum Snark Autumnal Content Pack by Berry Frontline Content Pack...
  17. NTMonsty

    Fruitland 2 B4

    In a city that combines the architectural styles of New York, London, Hong Kong, and Lego City, an Urban mall has been the target of an attack from the crate-making companies, leading to RED and BLU discovering the potential for city-wide domination in just this one mildly vandalized urban...
  18. SB379

    Centrocom a12a

    This is a fast paced koth map with a high skybox limit, where the gameplay plays around and pools in towards the center. On mid both teams have multiple ways to get onto point, with opportunity to flank through one's battlements. Features no-build shutters The design can be consdered as the...
  19. Chains-

    Tavern b7

    Tavern is a single-stage Payload map with 4 cap points. After a long day of work, BLU decided to crash RED's party at the local tavern. Credits & Special Thanks Thank you mag as always for the help with everything. Thanks zap for helping with sightlines adjustments during testing. Hopeful for...
  20. Docteur Whoa

    Multi Stage CP Brooklynn2 Stage1 & Stage2dev

    Dustbowl-style urban multi-stage Attack/Defense Control Point map. CURRENT DOWNLOAD IS A DEV VERSION DUE TO LAYOUT CHANGES. FOR THE DEFINITIVE LOOK AND FEEL, DOWNLOAD "VERSION 1.3" FROM VERSION HISTORY. Through Railroad Express Delivery, RED controls the entire railway system of New Mann City...