
  1. Metric

    (Solved) Partial Missing Texture on World Brush

    I have no idea what to call it, but it's certainly not the purple missing texture problem. Here's how it looks in-game: Here's the brush in Hammer with portals shown: The spoiler below contains the full compile log. This has been occurring for a while now (after multiple compiles and...
  2. Gezebu MindBlue

    Texturization error

    Can someone tell me why this happens and how to fix it?
  3. FrostyHoneyJuicy

    Lost Custom Content from archive.tf2maps.net

    Starting all the way back to 2015. To be very honest with you I really hate when my imagination is limited! Due to that, I straightforward downloaded all of the models, textures, particles & other stuff to keep myself happy! That's why I have them in the first place. Sure, it was a lot of...
  4. Kyzer

    [7/16/19] Kyzer's DevTex Pack - Dark Nodraws F4

    Screenshots: This pack is kept updated periodically. =================================================== Update F3.2: devtex/toolsnodraw_black devtex/toolsnodraw_transparent (SEE NOTE!) NOTE: nodraw_transparent LEAKS!!! Do not use it to seal a map! It's intended to be used so you can...
  5. Kyzer

    Beachhead A4

    Beachhead - Single-stage linear payload map, outdoors, 3 midcap, bot support (sentries + navmesh), workshop Pl_Beachhead Pl_Beachhead is my first published TF2 (nevertheless, payload) level. I've made quite a few though I never got them to presentable quality. You can read me about me at...
  6. Tumby

    Texture Reworked Halloween 2014 Textures - Request

    The Carnival of Carnage (sd_doomsday_event) has all these nice stripey tent textures, but all of them are for models. That means there's AO-baking and other stuff in the texture files. What I want is somebody to take these textures and make them useable for hammer. Most importantly that means...
  7. Twist.vmf

    how do i add this?

    so i'm making a new map for ctf and the theme is red and blu HQs and as an Easter egg i wanted scouts room to have a photo of Miss Pauling on a wall, but i don't know how to add custom textures! please help! p.s. this is the pic. SORRY UBERCHAIN!! :,(
  8. Crowbar

    [Tutorial] Skewing textures in Hammer

    Imagine you have a slope in your corridor, with a piece of wall going up, like this: What would you do for it to look prettier? Use a beam? Maybe. Use alt-right click feature to precisely rotate it and position it? Would rather work for beams, doesn't look as cool on the walls. But wait...
  9. Fen

    Texture Face Editor Won't Show

    Mapping has become very difficult due to the Texture Face Editor not showing when I click on "browse textures" and just prompting me with Windows Sound and, a frozen window not allowing me to edit anymore without forcing me to open task manager and exit. When I hover over the Hammer Editor...
  10. A Gentleman's Mustache

    Custom model's texture not showing up

    I want to start utilizing models for the maps I make. For my first model, I just want to create a simple curved cylinder arch. Everything about the model itself is just fine - but its texture doesn't load. I've tried scouring forums for any solutions before posting here, but nothing has worked...
  11. Aeix

    Creating "blend" textures

    Ok, so for a new map I am working on, I need a blend of two textures - both of which already exist within the game. I am aware you can edit texture files, but I have no idea how to or what to add/remove. For the sake of example, let's say I want to create a texture that is a blend of...
  12. Werewolf

    Help with textures for Propper created props

    I've just got propper working but I suspect I have missed something, or I've not set something up correctly. In short when I compile my models get the model files just fine, but not the textures for them. Instead Propper 'converts' the .vmt files for all the individual textures by swapping the...
  13. benjijedi

    just started mapping, please help!

    I am using some custom models on my map but the models show up without a texture (pink and black checkers). What am I doing wrong and how can i fix it?
  14. Quin

    "Abandoned" Theme resource pack 2016-03-30

    Uploaded with Permission by Py-bun for her content Most of these props were created for Abandoned Upward or Abandoned Turbine. Any future releases for this pack will be added as soon as they are aviable. Most of the models include multiple skins. Contents : by Py-bun (Textures/models)...
  15. biskuu

    Minimalistic Textures?

    Hey, I am looking for a way to use these textures in my map. http://i.imgur.com/dmkF0jJ.png Do I just have to download the textures, throw them inside my materials folder and use them? I remember there was a way to pack textures inside the .bsp so that players don't have to download the...