player destruction

  1. Oni134

    Laser to the center of the earth A1

    Fill the generator with gasoline and let's go to the center of the earth!
  2. MegapiemanPHD

    Skeletons that drop Player Destruction points v3

    As seen on pd_farmageddon: What is this prefab? -Ever wanted to make a player destruction map where skeletons drop points? Well, now you can! Simply edit this prefab to fit your needs and go nuts! -Be sure to include the logic from the timers as...
  3. GeeNoVoid

    pd_investment A3

    A small Player Destruction map where you collect money from enemies and cash it in.
  4. Oni134

    Rocket Factory A1

    wich team can launch the rocket first? let's see...
  5. *Turns into crocodile*

    hungry a4

  6. Mr. Fishter

    player destruction not working

    when i was getting all the logic set up for my player destruction map, i tested it and spawned a bot in the map so i could see if it all worked, but when i went to go drop off the kill points or whatever they're called at the capzone, it consumed my kill points but didnt turn them into the...
  7. TylowStar

    PD Pickups not dropping.

    I am making a PD map and the pickups that you convert into points aren't dropping when players die. I have checked by spawnng players outside the bounds of spawn, and they still do not drop. How can I fix this? SOLVED Use dynamic props, with proper prop routing.
  8. TylowStar

    pd_riser a5

    A highly compact PD map. what else to put here oh right thnx to the Construction Theme Pack and everyone who contributed to that.
  9. F4NGS

    Lunarbase V2 A6

    Collect data packages that slain players drop and take them through a portal located in the center of the lunarbase.. That portal takes you to an impact crater on the moon’s surface with a satellite ground station for you to transfer the data packages to your team back on earth. The first team...
  10. Starlook

    The OMM Group!

    Hello! I have a preposition for you all! I've started up a new group for TF2 mappers, portal mappers, and the rest of source! I'm posting here to gain followers for this group, a common group of people who share a passion for mapping for source and the more obscure TF2 gamemodes. Your presence...
  11. zylvezter (Bruh)

    PumkinValley A1

    Get the amount of points to win, by capturing the control points. Every control point gives points ever 20 seconds. There are 7 control points
  12. Suna

    Scarab RC6

    After an excavation gone wrong (as usual), an ancient evil has awakened. Tired of just spectating, he wishes to re-enter the mortal realm, but to do that, he needs souls. As you may have guessed, this is where you come in. Collect souls, deliver them to him, and you may even get paid! Created...
  13. Emil_Rusboi

    Overpass a1

    Overpass! Just like from CSGO! A collab map between me and Squishy for Pick It Up! contest (2020)
  14. 14bit

    Alternating Point PD/Trapdoor Floors V1

    The entity setup from pd_waterlog. Features two control points, one chosen randomly at the start after which the points alternate, along with the trapdoor mechanisms. They're quite complicated and feature a bunch of different fallbacks to keep players from getting stuck. The central platform in...
  15. Ovalos™

    pd_helium A2

    Player destruction map set inside a zepelin gondola, the pickups are australium bars. The point is some sort of platform that lowers when enabled and starts burning right as it goes away, I know this makes no sense but I thought it'd be fun so what the hell. This map was made for the Pick it Up...
  16. Da Spud Lord

    Jetpacks n' Shotguns V3b

    What if Scout had a jetpack? Sounds like a cool idea, right? Well Scout sure thought it was, and now he has 1000 jetpacks and a crapload of debt! Jet around this map with a super-high jump, a forward dash, and your trusty Scattergun (and also a pistol, if you're a little b****). Kill enemies and...
  17. Emil_Rusboi

    Stalker Zone v1 (broken)

    Duty and Freedom members fighting each other to take control of the abandoned brewery in the center of Pripyat. But they don't know that emission coming their way... Stalkerzone - PD map made specially for April Fools 2020 contest! This map is reference to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series...
  18. r0nii

    Player destruction hud bug.

    I don't know why but my hud from Player Destruction doesnt work when i open my map in anyway expect opening it by compiling the map. do anyone knows how to fix it or what happends?
  19. Sappykun

    Updating the Interim point count in Player Destruction

    I'm using the Player Destruction HUD as a makeshift progress counter for one of my maps. Players cannot score points directly. Is it possible to increment/decrement the team's current stored point count (circled) without giving specific players points? I want to use it to measure something...
  20. zythe_

    Delivery a1

    My first ever attempt at a pd map! Lets hope this doesen't suck...