payload race

  1. eighttailedfox

    War Divided b1

    War Divided is a Payload Race map originally designed as an April Fools style map. Featuring a cut in half bomb cart for both teams, and a Frontline Theme. Originally built and designed in Summer 2016.
  2. Sage J. Fox

    Past 72hr Jam Entry TFC-like DetPack Prefabs 2017-02-13

    Always liked some of the lesser used features in TFC, such as the Demoman's ability to plant detpacks in certain areas of some maps to actually open up or close off paths. This set of prefabs and models aims to help recreate that for TF2. Contents...
  3. CareBear

    Help with a custom Gamemode...

    Hello, I thought of an interesting gamemode that i'm calling "Payload Push" abbrievieated as plp. The idea behind this is that both Teams RED and BLU can push the payload cart, the map is symmetrical. The aim of the game mode is to push the cart to the opposing side. Sort of like a game of tug...
  4. P

    plr_Gravel Stage 1 (DISCONTINUED) a7

    Keeping this for archive purposes Stage One of an idea that suddenly appeared. Both teams were hired to blow up a pile of gravel that is rumored to contain a large amount of australium, but only the team that blows up the gravel is getting payed.
  5. Bakscratch

    valentine b2

    A PLR map set in a euro town for the Frontline community update. Team must escort the priceless paintings to the helicopters. Thing I know are an issue still -clipping -soundscape -cart placeholder -possible optimise
  6. Grubzer

    Medieval plr_diversion A2a

    Medieval-aesthetic medieval mode PLR map. Note: this map is abanoned. For new version go here
  7. RataDeOrdenador

    Siege S1 A1

    Siege (temporary name) is a 3-Stage Medieval Payload Race map where two families want to be the first to give the king a grateful "present" For the Ye Olde Workshoppe project. Stage 1 made by Rata(DeOrdenador) and Viper. Stage 2 is being made by Davekillerish. Stage 3 is being made by...
  8. DrLambda

    Payload Race Single Stage Fixed Prefab V1

    ZIP file contains one VMF with a working prefab for single-stage Payload Race, based on ABS's Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack's version, as the resource pack hasn't been updated lately and the single-staged PLR prefab is buggy. It fixes the following problems: 1. Adds a team_control_point round...