
  1. Only 0.15%

    time_clach V4.3

    Now there is some screenshots
  2. AlrexX [she/they]

    Sandstone B3

    An attack/defend map set in a fortified town somewhere in a desert. In this map I mostly focused on the visuals, trying to combine medieval and egypt textures.
  3. Khuntza

    sovereignty A6

    5CP medieval themed (but not mode) map. 3D skybox cloud textures by theatreTECHIE -
  4. Yaki

    Medieval Mystake A1a

    Made for Back2TheBasics event. (but never submitted!) Special Delivery and Medieval combined is probably a mystic-mistake: a MYSTAKE! Gameplay: This is Special Delivery with a twist, so bare with me on the explanation. - Each side has 3 CPs (6 total). - The Australium Intelligence must be...
  5. Athletic Seafood

    What's the entity/model for those things on DeGroot Keep that light arrows on fire?

    I'm making a medieval mode map and I want to include some of these but I can't find it in the prop_dynamic model list, is it a different entity or did I miss something in the menu?
  6. Yaki

    Medieval Spamalot A14a

    "...Ah yes, Spamalot of the Renaissance era... That Spamalot." BLU must fight RED in the ye olde castle of Medieval Spamalot (a pun of Camelot). Updated June 13th, 2021 (Previous update: August 23rd, 2019) So far Stage One and Stage Two are released. Third stage being planned. Stage One...
  7. Yaki

    Berserker A6

    This is an experimental map. Heavily inspired by elements from the Left4Dead series (PC), Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64), and Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts (SNES). Players fight against robots in a haunted castle setting. The goal is to survive 'n' revive your team mates as you fight your way up to the...
  8. Yaki

    Medieval Aeon A16

    "You're on a secret island base that has the potential to deactivate all the robots that Grey Mann has created. However, Grey Mann found it... And you're caught with your pants down because you don't have any firearms to defend yourselves with! Grab your ol' bottle of scrumpy, your bow and...
  9. That's the plan

    pd_kingHeavyOmNom A1

    Somewhere in old medieval Russia lies the heavy kingdom. King heavy is the ruler of this domain, and he has a hungry appetite. Each year he holds a annual sandwich eating cook-off. This year the main contestants are Red and Blue team. The team that feeds him the most sandwiches wins. Have fun :)...
  10. Vhonny Barjo

    Medieval koth_saintlouis a1

    Medieval map. Koth. And ramps for in air fights demoknights! This map intent a new approach to Medieval plays by adding two facing ramps for demoknights to fight in air and with a point to defend underneath them. Jumping is mandatory everywhere and may unlock you flank routes to deliver that...
  11. Scouter Egg

    Medieval Shalewood A6

    A map I made in october and was extremely hesitant to release for some reason.
  12. Yaki

    Medieval-Engineer Team-MedKit-Building A1

    Who is this prefab for? Ever want to use the Engineer in Medieval mode? Ever want to, I don't know, be an Engineer? What this prefab is about? (Basically, it is...) When you destroy this block as a RED or BLU Engineer with melee, it will grant the Engineer's team a new spawn point for new...
  13. rmstexas

    Medieval CTF_Teufortress B2

    This map has been a passion project of mine for a couple of years. I've been working on it on and off and am so happy to finally release it. It's a "medieval hybrid CTF KOTH map" (I know, it's alot). It plays like CTF, but you can cap the central point to give your team an advantage. I'd say...
  14. Yaki

    MvM + Medieval: Ideas Discussion Topic

    In the realm of TF2Maps, we've got a great selection of MvM maps, yet only one seems to be Medieval MvM--And probably for good reasons. But we're not going to get into the pros / cons of that matter. Instead, I would rather look into how to improve the game mode. Yes, Medieval Mode + Mann VS...
  15. Scampi

    Medieval Mode Recommendations

    Greetings! I'm working on a medieval mode payload map for my payload contest entry, and I'd like to take a serious, wounding, stab at fixing as many medieval issues as I can. I understand that this gamemode will always suck compared to normal tf2, but that's not the point. This is an experiment...
  16. Scampi

    Med-evil Junction (WIP) 2018-09-25

    A medieval remake of junction that will have spells, the wheel of doom, and layout improvements. Part of the map will have a cavern/dungeon theme, while the other will be more open. The current version is technically playable, but the undetailed areas are without light, so don't bother. Take a...
  17. Yaki

    Does anyone have Morrigan Alley's Medieval Asset Pack?

    Turns out the first Medieval update on TF2Mods no longer exists where it should. I also couldn't find the asset pack here either. Does anyone have the asset pack for Morrigan Alley?
  18. Yaki

    Medieval ClobberStonne A17

    Ye Olde Medieval! This is an experimental map with 5 Capture Points with Medieval mode enabled. It is also my second map release ever. Fight for your life in this weirdly symmetrical castle town!
  19. Yaki

    Medieval ctf_mystic A1

    "Hey you peasant-laddy! Listen, I heard you liked Medieval CTF, so here you go. Huh? You wanted more gimmicks? Try this one: Every 45 seconds, a lucky laddy who picks up THE GIANT TOME will become a LARGER THAN LIFE for 30 seconds! You think you can handle that? You want even more gimmicks...
  20. half

    Prithee A1

    a medieval multi-koth/domination map with 4 points and a few gimmicks (the more points your team holds, the faster the clock ticks down, up to 4 seconds every normal second) made for summer 72hr jam 2018 made with Gadget's medieval prefab pack and Jack5's domination prefab