
  1. Cincomma

    Cenote A1

    Somewhere in Mexico, the mercs fight for some lame rocks around a cenote Alpha 1 Screenshots As always, comments and feedback are appreciated!
  2. Da Spud Lord

    Spud Lord's DuskTillDawn Soundscapes V1

    I created these soundscapes due to a lack of nighttime jungle soundscapes for use in my Dusk Till Dawn contest entry. Decided to release these as at least a few people liked the sound in that map, and I figured someone might get some use out of these and I need an excuse to not work on my other...
  3. Billo

    pl_eruption B14

    Eruption is set on a tropical island far away in the ocean. The map features a unique design for every point and it was even featured in competitive Highlander games! RED has been doing research on how to weaponize magma on Fuego Sagrado Island. What do they plan to use it for? Whatever it is...
  4. Emil_Rusboi

    Banyan a2

    3CP Attack/Defend map set up in Vietnam War setting. Made for 2019 Summer 72hr jam! Collab with Scrly!
  5. Captain Cactus

    Wildwood a1b

    A 5cp map that uses Sean Heyo Cutiono's jungle assets.
  6. Suna

    Lair A6

    Yeah, it's the place from the Steam VR. I like the setting a lot. This is larger than most other 3CP maps, probably about the size of a 5CP map. Much of the layout is likely to stay the same but the forward spawns (due to the size) will probably come and go through versions. It's a little...
  7. Captain Cactus

    Wildwood a1

    A mirrored king of the hill map with a temple aesthetic. Also including placeholder trees
  8. Mess About

    alb a12

    I was inspired to make this map when watching lucrative ( View: https://www.twitch.tv/lucrativetf ) testing competitive maps, basically some ideas came up then i just started making one.
  9. Suna

    Lair A1

    NOW REPLACED BY CP_LAIR, WHICH IS MUCH BETTER BUT ACTUALLY THE SAME MAP Yeah, it's the place from the Steam VR. I like the setting a lot. This follows the formula of spawn, courtyard, connectors, courtyard, connectors, point; but is probably as non-viaduct as it gets. Look out for a special...
  10. ganglyste@m

    koth_riverwood a3

    a king of the hill map above a river. the main point is on a bridge inspired by the first point on mossrock
  11. PrivateerMan

    Mayann Prop Pack (V1.02) 2018-08-23

    Since the Mayann website is down, the prop pack is unavailable there. However, I downloaded the prop pack while it was still up, and felt it necessary for me to publish it here for use by the TF2 community. I just distributed this, and all the models and materials in this pack belong to their...
  12. Ælement

    (Sound) Vietnamese jungle at night loop 2018-08-15

    I recorded a bit of the nighttime sounds in vietnam this summer. I've now made a loop out of it. Use as you see fit. Credit would be appreciated.
  13. mat_mot0

    koth_barn_yard_south_africa_a1 A1

    I got inspired to make this map after seeing the episode of Somebody Feed Phil on South Africa. The map is very small as it holds 24 players. I used ABS pack to make the koth logic. Tutorials to help me with the map were from UEAK Crash and ToppHatWaffle. I'm happy with the end product as my...
  14. Suna

    ES_Hunted [OPEN] (BETA)

    I mostly worked on this as practice, was hoping I could complete it but it takes up too much time for me to iron out all the problems porting this map over from TFC so now it's open to all. Do what you like with it. Since it's originally made by valve, while I would appreciate credit; it's not...
  15. XEnderFaceX

    Wildpond Soundscapes Final

    Soundscapes from my Map: cp_wildpond Soundscape list: ---------------------- Wildpond.Inside Wildpond.Outside Wildpond.Interior Wildpond.ControlRoom Wildpond.Cap1 Wildpond.Cap1BluSpawn Wildpond.Cap3 Wildpond.Cap3RedSpawn Wildpond.Cap2 Be sure to credit me in case youre using them! :)...
  16. XEnderFaceX

    Wildpond Final

    cp_wildpond: ------------ Wildpond is an Attack/Defend Control Point map. It takes place in the Jungle Control Point A - The First Control Point takes place inside Red Teams Yeti Facility. Inside a Room where Red Team tests out the Yetis! Control Point B - The Second Control...
  17. T

    Tug O' War A7

    The saga of Red and Blue fighting over meaningless things continues as they have a "tug of war" over which direction a "tug boat" circles. Pun extremely intended :p . Gameplay revolves around getting on and capturing a moving boat with a koth point on it. Capture the point and it circles...
  18. Heili

    ZE/ZF Jungle Lab RC1

    Science's Biggest Mistake A team of scientists have invented the zombie virus after an experiment gone horribly wrong. Realizing how humanity is endangered if these super infected breach the lab, your survivor team must escape the underground lab to contain the virus and blow EVERYTHING UP...
  19. XEnderFaceX

    Jungle Soundscapes V5

    Soundscapes for your Jungle Maps! Soundscape List: ------------------------ Jungle.Inside - Lighthum and Birds Jungle.Outside - Birds, dogs and Owls Jungle.Interior - Inside, slight Wind, birds, dogs and Owls Jungle.Controlroom - Computers and Radar Jungle.Pond - Pond water, birds, dogs...
  20. 14bit

    Multi Stage Guava Gulf A7B

    My entry for the Connect 5 contest. Here's the row I'm going for, though it actually fulfills all of the tiles in the top row and a bunch of others around the board as well: Guava Gulf is a 3-stage PLR map. Stage one starts by the ocean, stage two is farther inland with a cave, and stage...