
  1. Katsu! :3

    Professionally Unprofessional - 1/29/2025 Gameday

    Welcome welcome welcome! It's that time of the month where competitive gaming is getting started once again, and I'm in zero rush to fall behind that curve! Lucky me, I've found and scrounged and gathered and... collected, a whole host of competitive maps for us to play! ...unfortunately, I...
  2. Plazmaman360

    Vertigo Alpha 3a

    I wanted to make a map kind of like Erosion but more comp-friendly. I also wanted to make it in such a way it could still be used in casual modes. Did I succeed? You be the judge of that...
  3. noahybt

    sanctum a3a

    Urban koth map intended for 6s.
  4. Katsu! :3

    TF2m P4SS Map Chat

    Heyo. I wanted to make this thread for me and the P4SS Time fellas to talk about getting some more 4v4 PASS Time gaming going, as it's a lotta fun and I'd like to keep hanging with em. Oh, and of course the great clips we get from time to time lol. Current map pool: pass_stadium_rc2...
  5. ampere

    Turbine Deathmatch a1

    Turbine, but without the intel or spawn rooms. Only mid. I made it night time and removed the player clip above the catwalk cabin. Intended for deathmatch use with SOAP-DM.
  6. QueeQuey

    ClearCut B17

    Created with the permission, files of SturmTea and assistance of Popalofiti and Shoeshocker Change log: Lowered the ramp to roof to prevent Snipers and heavies from jumping up. They can still get on top given the assistance of a teleporter. Fixed one brush next to the ramp on BLU side
  7. renton

    Competitive Map Testing Mixes

    Hello! As the title suggests we are currently working on a mixing group to test out custom maps in a competitive environment. If you are interested in mapping for competitive or have done so in the past please send me a message on one of the contact options at the bottom. General Information...
  8. renton

    govan b8

    King of the Hill map designed for competitive play. Featuring balanced height advantage based combat and an interesting flank dynamic which encourages teams to divide themselves into a proper combo and flank to avoid being shot from behind. I'm updating this map based on feedback from the...
  9. sundancer

    koth_coastal A1

    koth_coastal_a1 is the first playtest reaady version of my map. Its targeted at competive play in Highlander specifically.
  10. Cornsauce

    Nightfall Pro, a sixes payload race experiment (OPEN)

    Haven't worked on this in probably over a year, so I thought I might as well post it here for inspiration's sake, or if someone wants to pick it up. As the title suggests, this is my attempt at balancing a payload race map for 6v6, using the regular competitive ruleset. I chose Nightfall...
  11. xobile

    Proworks V1a

    Original map by Ian "ScorpioUprising" Cuslidge Skybox by Aeon "Void" Bollig Edit of Metalworks intended for competitive play. Map is currently being run in ozfortress Sixes Season 35. If you have any other questions or want to run the map in a cup/season feel free to reach out to me on...
  12. dropknock

    pass_ruin a14

    Made for the 4v4 PASS Time competitive community. View: Features: • Platforms that act as jump multipliers for med only use, intented to give more mobility/gamapley impact to the class. • Ulama inspired rings on the sides that give anyone who goes...
  13. FrostyHoneyJuicy

    Proyard b2

    PROYARD The successor to Brickyard Created in June 2021, the map aims to improve gameplay for the competitive season. Brickyard issues were found during the PASS Time Federation Season 2 tournament and got fixed in this map.
  14. Lord Smile

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Competitive Pyro Montage

    View: clips from scrims/official matches recorded and edited during the 72 hour period
  15. Kibble_Bites

    Past 72hr Jam Entry pass_park (72hr) 1st

    Made for the 4v4 PASS Time competitive community. View: Features: •Teleporters on each side of the court that allow for people to stand in the balcony of the goal (cooldown of 10 seconds) •Middle jurf ramp suspended in the air. •Barbeque pit in...
  16. xobile

    KotH Proside

    xobile submitted a new resource: Proside - A rework of Lakeside Read more about this resource...
  17. Kiglirs

    Kaelir a13a

    My 1st attempt at doing a map that is good in competitive and in pub, and in a V shape. I'll see how it goes! Also includes hot water and a cliff over the sea I'm still not good at description, i'll change it later, i promise
  18. Katsu! :3

    Edited Nav Mesh Collection #2 - CatComp HL/6s Season 1 f1

    This is a collection of the nav meshes I generated & edited for both CatComp Sixes Season 1 and CatComp Highlander Season 1. Each map included in both seasons, aside from Process, Lakeside, Badwater Basin, and Upward has a nav mesh included in the file. Nav Mesh Notes: cp_5borge - (No Notes) --...
  19. ImSS

    Newkon (cp_yukon Pro) a2

    Newkon is a revised version of cp_yukon designed for competitive play. Below are the major changes sorted by general location. Beyond major layout changes, the lighting, clipping, and optimization have been generally improved for high-level play. -----Major Changes by area----- Middle: -...
  20. Niro

    Riyadh a4

    A modern remake of granary to improve gameplay for 6v6 competitive. The map is set in a giant, high up australium smelting and metalworking plant. The mercs have been hired because there has been a dispute between the two sides of the business because they both want to take over the other side.