april fools

  1. Micnax

    Formula (April Fools 2017) a2

    For the April Fools 2017 event. Learn to make perfect KotH maps with this brand new guide, using the latest Real Time Mapping Technologies™! Featuring the voice of @Crash Blackboard texture by @14bit - https://tf2maps.net/downloads/dynamic-chalkboard-assets-and-b-door.1192/ Various BGM tracks...
  2. Kunny

    cp_shenanigans (April Fools) a2

    I made this map for April Fools and trust me, it's not that good. I just wanted to see what I could make and here it is.
  3. CassiePumpkins

    Gintonic V1

    This is Gintonic, the map I made for April Fool's 2017! It's inspired by my favorite level from Katamari Forever. It's a KOTH map with the point on a roulette wheel with balls that spin and kill you on it. There's also a lot of poker chips and cards laying around! I spent around a month on it...
  4. samjooma

    elevatormadness (april fools map) a2

    This might look like a regular KOTH map at first, but weird thing start happening soon after the round starts. Made for april fools day.
  5. The_Evil_Pickle

    [April Fools] Points Get a1

    This map was built from an orphaned map made by Sergis, so the layout of the map was done by him. I just added a whole bunch of logic entities to give the map some additional features. In your spawn room is a white tile that teleports you to a separate room, shown above. The counter on the...
  6. The_Evil_Pickle

    [April Fools] ctf_dust_storm a1

    A joke map originally made for last year that never ended up getting submitted. Now it rises from the grave to take part in this year's game day! How it works: Each team has a base containing the enemy flag. Deliver it to the enemy base to capture it. Then it explodes. Current weather: Dust...
  7. Void

    April Fools' Gameday - April 1st, 2017

    Haha! Boo! Gotcha! You thought there wouldn't be an April Fools' event? Too bad! There is! And now you are the April Fool! Next Saturday, a week from the publishing of this hastily-written cry for help from the dank recesses of the Staff Cave I've found myself in, you too can take part in the...
  8. Startacker!

    koth_insomniaplusboredom_a8 blip

    The a8 is part of the map itself. I made insomniaplusboredom_a8 two years ago for the April Fools 2015 map map game map day play map. And then a bit after that I uploaded it to the workshop, saying I would upload it here. I guess I finally got around to that. Features? Just take a look at the...
  9. TyeZenneth

    Bandit A5

    Bandit is my entry into Crash's 2016 April Fools contest, a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-inspired arena map where no two rounds are the same. The map's geometry is roughly based upon the vehicle station area from Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky, but tweaked and mirrored to suit TF2's arena mode. The map...
  10. Yrr

    Rapture b1a

    Originally made for April Fools 2016, ended up being more fun than funny. Rapture takes place during an apocalyptic meteor shower, where teams fight to collect the most fallen meteorites and deposit them in the central capture zone. Creating this thread for it's continued development. Created...
  11. Mikroscopic

    Unintelligence rc1

    My entry for Crash's 2016 April Fools contest. It's reverse CTF - take the flag to the enemy's base to score!
  12. Oatmeal

    Floor is Lava rc2

    Made in a week for the April Fools Contest 2016. A 5cp map with lava on the floor. Optimized for competitive platforming in a magma based environment. Workshop Using (probably forgetting some stuff, sorry for that): pd_watergate props and artstyle by Egan & Bakscratch and various modelers...
  13. nickybakes

    Meme Machine RC 4

    The winner of the April Fools 2016 Mini Contest, I present to you Pd Meme Machine, a mirrored, symmetrical player destruction map! Kill enemies, collect fuel units, and deploy them at the fuel station to launch the rocket! Once a team finishes capping all of the fuel units, they must capture the...
  14. Egan

    MannShaft a2 reup

    Welcom to the Mann Shafts! Ride the elevators up and down, or go dancing at the disco! If Blu team kills the party (the disco ball duh!) they get UBER advantages! xD The A point will start going up and down slowly after blu first steps onto it, but if blu stays there it will move faster and...
  15. DrLambda

    Leveled v1a

    Ladies and Gentlenerds, it's that time of the year again, isn't it? Leveled is my entry into the TF2Maps April Fool's 2016 Contest. I wanted to surprise as many people as possible, so i'm only posting this right now before going to bed. Mann Co Industrial Espionage Inc. found some plans in...