What if you fused Gravel-pit and Steel into one game-mode? This would be it!
This prefab has 4 control-points with A, B and D being enabled from the start with the only locked point being C.
Cap times in the prefab
A - 8sec
B - 8sec
C - 6sec
D - 40sec
change these to your liking!
The reason C...
Did you ever think to yourself, "Gee, I wish I could hear train bells all day while falling off a crane-lift to my doom while fighting over a laser"? Well, that's oddly specific, but wait no more to fulfill your fantasy! Lark's Tongue (not final name if I ever work on this more) is a Steel-Type...
Uh oh! The RED team managed to peer pressure Scout into taking some wacky pills with them, and now they have to save a bizarre dimension from total annihilation!
Will RED manage to stop the apocalypse?
Will BLU succeed in destroying everything?
Will Spy stop forcing his son into taking absurd...
A Multi-stage Attack/Defend map with a dustbowl theme.
Type Map Dustbowl Pro, do you and this is with a dust.
Custom Assets:
The Frontline! Pack
Special Thanks:
Original map made by Valve
Another attempt at a serious map. Hoorah.
This one takes place in a fictional Italian canal town, (similar to Venice)! With rivers that push you along! It starts with Blu entering a museum of art, and pushing towards the more rustic part of town where Red team has set up shop.
Maybe I'll have...
2cp attack/defend map that i've been working on for the past week or so. hoping to develop this past early alpha cause i like the look & design i have going so far. comments & criticism welcome
also the name comes from a fusion of volcano and the show malcolm in the middle, which i watched...
Being my first Attack/Defend map, Bisti is a single stage, 3 Control Point map set in the Dustbowl theme. BLU fights for control of a RED mining facility, from the rural outskirts of the facility to the Shipping and Receiving to the refinery and main base of operations.
BLU Spawn, along with...
A city/industrial themed attack/defend map where blue team spawns in a warehouse and tries to take over red team's factory.
Blue spawn:
Path to control point A:
Control point A:
Shortcut to B after A has been captured:
Path to control point B:
Control point B:
Red spawn...
Even though i have been toll'd its overscaled i still wanna give it a shot.
The map is currently named "id" (in dev) due to the fact ive not come up with a name yet...
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