
CP cache a9

Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
I have so many ideas but can't force my ADHD-ass to finish a single one, so I have to continue to update this mess-about map.
Completely rework the whole map, except spawn areas which are just a few brushes put together
Change the map's domination game mode to cp_standin style for testing purpose

A site, look to B and C doors

B site

C site

A & C rotation
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Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
experimental minor update in preparation for the major one

- 10 mins time limit, no reset after cap
- All capture zones are now 256x256 (hu), make it more difficult to capture
- Spawn wave timer reduce from 7s to 6s, same as koth
- Rework the lobby connecting A and C
- B has some small changes
- Optimization

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Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
another minor update:
expand the connection between A & B, now has a 2nd floor

*it's rotated symmetrical instead of mirrored, but consider the input (door entrances) are the same, it really doesn't matter

update spawn areas to make them look a bit nicer
add penis rocks and awning to prevent fall damage
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Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
big update: scale the map down horizontally and vertically, change layout of A, B & C

this update took so long that i can't even remember what changes that were made, so here some screenshots:

(will try to post a full changelog later)

(i lied)

A site

C site

B site

Connecting lobby for A, B & C

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Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
last update for the Minor contest, send thought and prayer pls

I tried to keep the cp_standin' spirit with long cap time but seem like it doesn't work, rounds last too quickly

- Cap time reduce from 44s to 24s (equal to default koth cap time)
- Relocate health and ammo packs to favor Attackers
- Expand the CP' cap zones
- Remove A & C spawn shutters because they serve no purpose
- Minor rework on the connection lobby, remove the unnecessary 2nd floor
- Minor rework on spawns, move the main door slightly to the side

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Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
changed the map name from cp_gratuite to cp_cache, because the base is hidden. If you know (or have) a map that has the same name, please let me know.

map change:
Introducing the 4th mini-CP (called D), I call it "mini" because it only takes half the time to cap compared to normal CPs. This point will act as a "emergency cap" for losing team that has lost most of its control over the map.
I believe there is a thin line between "this map ends way too quickly" and "damn this map last forever" with the appearance of the 4th CP, that's why I picked this option.

There are also other options like: classic domination (koth with 3 CPs), or removing B and add Overtime while capping is in progress mechanic, but I think they're a bit boring so

New D

B changes

And other minor changes

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Feb 7, 2008
cp_cache is already a used map name, unfortunately. If you go to the feedback page for the latest version, you'll see notes from January 2015.

Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
Mess About updated cache with a new update entry:

I was a stupid

on cp_standin, teams are rewarded with 1s shorter respawn time for each CP they own, this ruleset "works" on that map because of the slow capturing process. But on this map, rollout' times for all routes are around 12s with cap time at 24s (for 1 player), which is similar to a koth map.
No wonder why winning team could roll over the other so quickly, I didnt notice this bc I just copied & pasted the whole thing.

+2s respawn time for each CP own (default 6s)
expand spawn area with...

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