Tug of War Payload - Ynders Edition

Tug of War Payload - Ynders Edition V2


May 11, 2014
Tug of War Payload - Ynders Edition - A simpler tug of war

A simple 3-point tug-o-war payload prefab. The entity setup is based on Icarus's, but is less complex, with only 3 points, a cap of 3 on the text display, and no dynamic push speed changes.
Oct 6, 2008
Hope this helps :)

I haven't played my version in a long time pl_warpath_b4 < in the steam workshop >and thus can't remember (and I am at work so can't verify) - but I think my coding does work in the tug-o-war mode maybe that would help you out.


Feel free to try it out and decompile if needed to get the coding.

I tested the map last night - the cart has a blue outline to it for the entire map - regardless of which team has it
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May 11, 2014
Version 2

Updated from problems and realizations found during building and testing plr_432

-Fixed announcer "Control point is being contested" spam
-Fixed cart not moving when more than 3 people were in the capture zone(whoops)
-Increased maximum(3+ people) cart speed from 90 to 150
-Owner of the middle point now wins when time reaches 0, rather than a stalemate
-Time is no longer added when the middle point is captured

Read the rest of this update entry...
Oct 6, 2008
Hmm, maybe something from my mpl game mode might help. I discovered that in the team,controlpoint,master (sorry typing this on my cell) you have the Base icon red blue teams, try making both base,icon,blue and see if that works. If not, make a custom folder, mapname,materials,hud, the copy paste in the base,blueicon,sprite, rename it base,redicon,sprite. Once done pack this file into map it should overwrite the standard sprite for when cart is pushed. The cart will then have one solid colour throughout the round. Why not make it a bright orange? Hope this helps.