CP Yukon

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L6: Sharp Member
Sep 6, 2008
I know I've mentioned it to to you already but I hate the new changes, if only from the aesthetics but also I think it dumbs down the gameplay a bit, makes it too similar to granarylands.

Discuss, anyone else agree?


L1: Registered
Apr 23, 2009
Well, we tested it on a French Server named Geek Gaming, one of the most popular French server on TF2 I think.
First, gameplay.
So, we played 4vs4. And we think the map is overpowered for Scouts: big spaces, no possibility to build a sentry which cover efficiently, and above all, the medkits are only open to the Scouts. There are too far away from the battlement.
Next, level design.
I extremely love the level design: clean, efficient and so cute <3. No, really, the map has it own forest ambiance, and i'm not the only one who likes this map.

PS: sorry for spelling mistake, as you guess, i'm French :blushing: .


L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
I really like this map. It plays really well and has lots of great nooks and crannies.

I don't know what it is but somehow I always go the wrong way on the map once we get to the forward respawns. I have played this map a bunch and I still seem to do it all the time. Other people had the same problem, probably because we were all following each other the wrong direction.



L2: Junior Member
Jan 28, 2009
I found a little graphical error at CP 1/5, two overlapping brushes (Forgive me for the terrible quality of the pictures) :



It's not very big, but that's the only graphically thing I caught.

Other than that, I absolutely love what you did with the middle point. I have yet to play it in a gather, but I can see it being a better middle fight than in previous versions.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
desperately need any and all feedback in, specifically on aesthetics!!!!!!!

The center cap point is looks awesome. Maybe look to what you did there to improve everything?

I've always thought the skybox looks a little "meh." The way the bright tree-lines that simulate fog hit the darker ground is pretty jarring.

Rock walls with nothing on top look kind of bland (eg screenshot no. 2).


L1: Registered
Jul 11, 2009

I jumped into this map the other day. I thought it was beautiful and had a ton of potential (longevity). As an aside, I immediately got owned three or four times in a row by what I now think must have been competitive gamers playing the Scout class. lol

Though my play time was very brief, my only suggestion would be to provide names for the various major locations, and perhaps use geographical names (since the map is "Yukon" it fits the theme) for each CP. Have as many signs and labels as you can stomach, to assist all gamers in calling out location from minute one, not just after they have spent many hours in the map. Also, as Dr. Spud mentioned, it could be a little lighter perhaps.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009

I jumped into this map the other day. I thought it was beautiful and had a ton of potential (longevity). As an aside, I immediately got owned three or four times in a row by what I now think must have been competitive gamers playing the Scout class. lol

Though my play time was very brief, my only suggestion would be to provide names for the various major locations, and perhaps use geographical names (since the map is "Yukon" it fits the theme) for each CP. Have as many signs and labels as you can stomach, to assist all gamers in calling out location from minute one, not just after they have spent many hours in the map. Also, as Dr. Spud mentioned, it could be a little lighter perhaps.

I know you made a whole thread about this, but it's really not an issue, let alone in yukon. Take any 5 cp map: people call out things like "taking left to CP 2" or something and it's fine.

Also I never said that.


L420: High Member
Mar 15, 2009
I absolutely love this map. However, the one thing I would change is that it feels a little easy to get lost in. The general layout is perfectly managable and easy, but given the placement of some of the advance spawns it's very easy to want to accidentally run backwards in some places. The advance spawn you get after capping the midpoint in particular really needs a signboard up.

I think a bit of retexturing for some more color differentiation and a few simple signboards are the only things this map needs. Gameplay-wise this is a great 5 CP map and just as playable as Well is to me.


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
Keep it up guys! Free Thanks to anyone who posts in here today!

I need to here arguments for/against rc3's cap location in the middle compared to rc4s (on the ground vs on the bridge) Thank you!

My only complaint about the new cap location is that the new center area is a mess of mismatched displacements with small ledges and a lack of "flow", it looks very unnatural in my opinion. If you could physically and visually smooth out the center area, it would be much better.


Oct 25, 2007
long time reader first time poster (8D)

Wow this thing isn't done yet? Release already! And I agree with the uneven terrain in mid. I ran through it a while ago and if that's still there you should definitely smooth it. Visually it was a bit weird.
Jan 31, 2008
I noticed that there was a texture that had the wrong surface property applied to it. Remind me of this before you release the final version ;)
Apr 19, 2009
As I said on 2f2f:
The Political Gamer said:
Now that is what I call a fun map! Works very well Soldier if I do say so myself. Overall I could call this map a done deal. Mangy you make some A+ maps and I really hope at lest one gets made into a official one and I have a funny feeling it is going to be pl_badasswater. ;)


L1: Registered
Jun 16, 2009
alright mangy I'm not one to always to voice my opinions about things because maps always have a variety of game play and the player must adjust to it, giving diversity and originality.
Since this seems to be a hot ticket in CEVO and mapping in general I got something to say:

Honestly I think you have done an excellent job with mapping and taking harsh and good criticism, on tf2maps well that has to be done to get things right, but you went to gotfrag you listened. Gotfrag is hard to listen to sometimes :3

It plays good, I don't think I've had a problem with the map in general. I Medic so i'm the caboose in the push -_-
but I also have to observe everything around me, I've notice that there are plenty of flanking opportunities, open space, and yet fits classes very well with advantages and disadvantages. Scouts are just hamster on the wheel, they can run around and use tactical moving abilities, for backing up the push. Like your paths going to cp2:

scouts take long path while the demo/sollys/medic push short. This will cause the push to be straight, unlike having the scouts at battle first while the rest of the team comes in, but the draw back is scouts can take tunnel to mid and flank from behind, making the team having to adjust tactical positions. Your map sways battle, I believe its a good sway because if the team has studied the map they can take a whole advantage against that team.

Custom maps get tested, but not enough like in competitive play. That's why I give you props to going to gotfrag and taking some of that stuff, and just trying to make it better.

Thats why I came to tf2maps, because you guys take criticism on maps seriously, and help us improve gameplay and style of maps, and yet much more.


Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
I'll attest to this on a scale from pyroing.

This map is what I could dream of for a pyro having potential in the comp leagues. Each point has advantages for a pyro who is good, and the general pathways between points have tunnels. How does this help? Simply put, demomen and soldiers cannot get the full benefit of their jumping here like they can any other push map. This lets the pyro keep up with them on the team when attacking middle. The tunnels also offer plenty of area for reflect splash and burning. The HP is perfect, allowing enemies to take DoT damage.

I really like the middle point. It plays out very well, and offers benefits for all classes when played right. Of course, I primarially note the pyro's, but he plays very well on this map anyways, mostly due to the points being more elevated, allowing pushback from his airblasts and reflect rockets to knock attackers and defenders off of the points easier. (Excluding the final, but the pathways are good for that).

I love the map the way it is. It's a great map. It accomplishes what I think ETF2L wanted, at least for the pyro class. Engi, not certain. Heavy, certainly. Sniper and spy, yeah.

I thank you for making this map.