CP Yukon

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.

no means nomad

L1: Registered
Dec 23, 2008
Speaking of text on glass, Red doesn't have it replicated. Not sure if you just didn't get around to it or something.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 28, 2008
Very impressive transformation from the dev textures to the near final product. Keep up the great work, and when did the this whole new forums setup thing switch over?

uma plata

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 20, 2009
Played this yesterday in a TF2F pick-up. Really enjoyed it. Played smooth, good vertical game, nice flanking options. Some said it was a bit choke-pointy, which sounds like it was intended to promote more heavy/pyro play. And indeed those classes did well in our 7v7

Not a lot of issues I can think of. I pretty much agree with what Floor Master already provided

The soundscape at 1st spawn seems a little loud...

Nice work here
Last edited:


L420: High Member
Aug 10, 2008
More criticism from competitive players:

played it a bunch more, needs more ammo
Demos and good scouts are killers on this map, whoever gets there first basically wins the entire game because of height advantage. It takes forever for the sollies and medic to get on mid, if you're scouts fail, you basically loose mid and majority of the time, you might loose the whole round. Other than that, great map; there are multiple routes to go from, very useful
map is too dark


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Tryed yesterday, cool vertical gameplay, but as said, quite a long route for slower classes to get to middle point.
People complained about the distance between last CP and last spawn.
We got stuck for a while in fights around the 2nd/4th cp, most routes can be spammed in 12vs12, making it difficult to sneak in as a spy :p

Other than that, people though the middle CP totally rocks, and the map is beautiful, a nice variation on alpine theme without the deja-vu feeling.


L6: Sharp Member
Sep 6, 2008
After a PUG here last night (after begging my clan to do one forever and ever until we finally had to do one because it's in UGC...), I can safely say that this is the most unique new 5 pt map without a doubt. The flow of the gameplay is incredibly different and provocative, I'm not sure how the larger community will respond.

The angles and lines are all very well crafted and there wasn't much that seemed unbalanced, although the major concerns did seem to be that it tended to become a spamfest (with 6v6) between points. Middle, though, we all agree is amazing! The design of last is great and it requires a lot of coordination to defend, so maybe the problem is localized around 2nd? If I had to venture a guess, I'd say that your tunnels are just funneling all the energy teams have when they successfully take mid or 2nd and putting a point on it, making it either very easy to defend with spam. The fix may just be as simple as widening the doors or tunnels, but who knows.

<3333 & Awesome Work!


L3: Member
Sep 20, 2008
."While I don't really like the name, "Yukon" either; at least it doesn't seem to chop up the tong like "Riverside Ridge


L1: Registered
Nov 19, 2008
In our tests of yukon we noticed a large problem develop on point 2. An attacking team finds it very difficult to attack this point as it is very easily locked down. (defending team doesn't really need to move as they can see both entrances and be right near them) This requires the attacking team to urber in from the start and instantly give a massive urber advantage to the defending. Players die team retreats with whats left defending team takes second and cycle happens again. It is very very choky spammy around point 2 - 3.

Rest of the maps seems alright (middle is very nice).
Feb 14, 2008
You could change the name to something that isn't Ash Ridge or Yukon, or you could just skip the name part, since nobody seems to be happy with the choice.

I don't really mind, the map matters more.


L3: Member
Mar 14, 2009

That oughta be its new name.
So awesome.