
KotH Lazarus RC4

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Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Things are startin' to look up! Here's what's changed:

- Fixed smoothing groups in some parts of spawn.
- Noculled part of the hologram in spawn to partially render when standing inside it.
- Fixed collision on a lamp prop at mid.
- Fixed clipping on fences in the submarine bay.
- Fixed clipping in lower route tunnels.
- Fixed visible nodraw behind a pair of displacements.
- Opened up short wall overlooking the point.
- Added small ledges off the exits of the high route.
- Fixed a few visible dev textures.
- Enabled collisions on player space palm trees.
- Disabled collisions on wooden fence posts.
- Changed two small ammos in the high caves to a medium health and ammo.
- Updated detailing in out of bounds areas.
- Blocked a sniper sightline between props at mid.
- Fixed some clipping props in Red spawn.
- Improved lighting in and around mid and connectors.
- Fixed clipping behind generators.
- Fixed lighting on ruins at mid.
- Fixed floating lights in spawn.
- Fixed a repeating texture in the yards.
- Fixed mismatched cubemaps in the halls.
- Increased audio cue for mid finale.
- Added more spectator cameras.
- Fixed a seam in the water between player space and the 3d skybox.

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L3: Member
Jun 20, 2015
Void, are you going to put this up on the Workshop soon? This would be perfect for the upcoming update with its jungle theme.


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
With either the next version or the one after, we'll launch the workshop submission, yep! We still have a few things we want to do with it before uploading, but we're almost there!


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Somewhat minor changes towards a larger goal. Here's what's changed!

- Fixed clipping on stone platform beneath the point.
- Fixed a ledge players could stand on above the battlements paths.
- Disabled collisions on gameplay signs.
- Expanded capture area by 50% and adjusted surrounding geo to reflect the change.
- Adjusted displacement blends to lead players along more clear and concise paths.
- Fixed an asymmetry issue in the rock spires.
- Updated collision mesh for the rock spires.
- Changed ocean texture.
- Fixed a prop clipping through a cave wall.

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Big day! Here's what's changed.

- Reduced capture time from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.
- Fixed some visible nodraw in the spawns.
- Fixed rendering issue in the spawn fountains.
- Added a new Welcome Point.
- Updated Volcano.
- Updated stone materials.
- Added brand new detail sprites by Fuzzy.
- Fixed intersecting brushes on RED dropdown.
- Clipped off ledges on the side routes at mid.
- Fixed mismatched cubemaps on the side routes at mid.
- Fixed z-fighting at mid.
- Various minor detailing updates.
- Added menu photos.
- Uploaded to the Steam Workshop.

You can now find it on the Workshop here!

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
I'm feelin' good about this and will likely be slowing down the development of it as I'm in a pretty comfortable position with it for now. So here's a Release Candidate! Here's what changed:

- Increased volume of waterfalls at mid.
- Disabled collisions on handrails in the side halls.
- Extremely thorough clipping second pass.
- Added more cubemap sources.
- Optimized additional prop fades.
- Reduced volume of hologram hum in spawns.

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Took some time off to do other things but here's an update focused on optimizing as much as I can! Maybe even more in the future, who knows! Here's what changed:

- Prop fade optimization.
- Changed areaportals in the submarine bays to areaportal windows.
- Added filler overlays beneath the ivy and vines.
- Fixed continuity error in arrow placement.
- Fixed lower tunnel route to have a more apparent barrier.
- Changed high route entrance to be more visible out of spawn while also fixing vis optimization from mid.
- Additional hint optimization.
- Fixed clipping on certain pillars in the hallways.

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
This is likely the last version I'll be submitting for consideration into the Jungle update. It's been a fun ride, and I've done all I've set out to do. Best of luck to everyone in the Jungle Update, we're all in this together.

Here's what's changed.

- Removed the point_push from the top of the spires at mid and replaced with a func_nobuild to stop the spires from throwing off jumpers.
- Closed off outer-mid-route windows to improve optimization.
- Improved signage.
- Changed paint patches underneath medkits and ammo to white to improve readability.
- Fixed clipping in the stairs leading up to the top of the cave ruins paths.
- Changed ladders to appear less like a way up.
- Fixed the floating monitor in spawns.
- Improved skycards.
- Fixed some faces with incorrect cubemaps.
- Additional detailing and asset refinement.

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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
A final push to finalize things even more than the last version, this has a lot more polish to it. Hopefully! Here's what changed:

- Updated submarine bay routes to improve optimization.
- Rehauled hint/skip brushes, thanks to UEAKCrash for the feedback!
- Fixed a hole in brushwork in the RED grate room.
- Optimized prop fades.
- Reduced detail sprites by 33%.
- Fixed a playerclip ledge on the submarine bay route doors.
- Updated 3d skybox.
- Updated tower overlooking mid.
- Added new rooftop models by Sedi.
- Updated menu photos.
- Minor detail additions.

Read the rest of this update entry...


50 crashes and counting!
Jul 10, 2017
congratz on getting it in, void and helpers!


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
You asked for some feedback n such in the discord and I'm gonna post it here cause it's easier to do screenshots

-whlile this may only be in spawn, still should remove clipping
-something weird is going on with these displacements. Probably should just do a blend from grass to dirt, then dirt to concrete
-I always felt like this detail area should be a way to the route upstairs for some reason
-I always forget this area exists. Perhaps making the lower entrance larger and more visually impact full could help. Also the way the ramps are makes it sort of round a bout. Probably could simplify things to help smooth out movement.
-I sorta feel like this area and the one in the previous image could combine to make one really useful route instead of 2 sort of useful ones
-pillars and door here could use a tad bit of clipping to help smooth out movement across them
-I can easily hide stickies in this rubble
-From what I played recently, having the exits from spawn here on the same flat ground as the exits from the other buildings into this courtyard let an attacking team easily walk in and try to camp the doorways
-a big point of contention for this map is the upper cave area by the point around here, so lets talk about it for a moment. Perhaps putting a vertical jump pad from this low ground to the high ground could help deal with anyone set up there
-I rarely see the lower area in this cave be used. Maybe move the health and ammo there. That way players will not only use that space but engies will have to take a round a bout path to drop down, get metal, then get back up and build/repair by the opening to the point
-the palm tree here only slightly blocks sight from the bridge area to the upper cave area. It can be easy to just not see someone like a sniper there. Perhaps either fully block sight across this area or open it up more
-This right here I feel is one of the biggest things that makes that upper cave route such a pain sometimes. All of these blind corners. Trying to attack nest there on the opponents side of the map while on your own gives a good amount of cover due and going around the bottom path to up here leads to this blind corner. On top of that, spies have to go decently deep into enemy territory in order to just get up there in the first place making it a pain at times to deal with.
-always felt like this area should be beneath the point so you can look down on it from gameplay space. Maybe even could have it break and drop players down to the fountain when a round is over
-This water is probably just for detail purposes but I feel like just having this lil splotch of it here is kind of pointless. Maybe make it deep enough to extinguish players so it has more of a purpose

Whelp that's all for now. Always liked this map. Not too big, not too small, and most classes can have a good time without too much wasted space.