[WIP] ctf_Torch


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Just being pedantic but, align those wall textures please. :p

I don't see problem with the curved walls in general and in this map they look fine. You are the creator so it is fundamentally your creation and will. But curved corners are overated in source ;) Cliché if you will. Altough.. the curved corners behind your control point look like they could be tidied.


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 13, 2008
New Pictures: :sad:





Sun is obviously too bright, going to probably use the 2fort sky.


Dec 5, 2007
Looks like you're making a reasonable job of copying it. but I'll be dissapointed if you don't add some significant
new detailings to make it seem like a real location.

Ever played bounce from the original half life multiplayer? who am I kidding, of course you have, its
a pretty cool map right? Well the black mesa mod team are re-making it and they've mad an almost
carbon copy of it, but they've added realism, made it look like a place that could actually exist.

Once you have the expanded idea and are thinking about Hammer, stop and go back to your notes.
You should be doing what I call “Rationalizing”. Make it make sense, for example when I started work
on Bounce I sat down and said “What the ****!” Everywhere I looked bounce made no sense. It was
just a collection of passageways looped around a recycled part of the tram ride with a couple of bounce
pads thrown in to mix it up. So how did I explain it, quite simply really it was a water collection and distribution
facility from before the dam was built for BMRF. The wall in the center? It separates the area where
water is collected from where water is pumped out of. The room above the wall? That controls the gate
inside the wall. The high ledge with a ladder? That leads to a control room built into the cliff overlooking
the canyon. The wide pipe leading to the pool room? The main flow from the collection areas. The pool area?
An open air collection area to collect surface run off and water from several other collection sites.

The rubble in the pool area? The pool is topped by a walkway area that has some collapsed pieces. The tall thin room?
Sewer access and drainage for several incoming pipes. The thin pipe from the tall room back to the main area?
No longer a pipe, instead a flow monitoring station that’s quite cramped inside. The ledge with the rocket launcher?
Now an overpass to allow incoming road traffic. You look at the layout and its barley an inch different, all the thematic
changes with very few material differences in the floor plan, and that’s what I mean by “Rationalizing”.

It makes sense now but I barley changed a thing and explained a million reasons for detail and made the map
something more than a collection of interesting cliffs. Rationalizing doesn’t mean scrapping your idea because
its outlandish, just how to bend it to common logic so it feels more real.
(NB - this isnt me having a
go at you because its a straight copy, this is me making sure you're going in the right direction ;))
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L13: Stunning Member
Nov 16, 2007
Exactly, dont just remake it 1 on 1, that stuff is old, you can do alot more and better!


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 13, 2008
hmm, still not sure what place this is going to be, mabey a "dirt" reservoir? still open for ideas everyone, haven't really thought of where this place is located.


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 13, 2008
New picture of outside, obviously not finished, Going to make it seem like this 'Base' is dug in the ground, them im going to add a nice 3d skybox to add effect, alpha prob by sunday.



L6: Sharp Member
Dec 21, 2007
hmm, still not sure what place this is going to be, mabey a "dirt" reservoir? still open for ideas everyone, haven't really thought of where this place is located.

It can be Gray Gravel Co.'s foray into the dirt mining business! Or something like that...


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 13, 2008
You have inspired me, prob going to use those grain elevators and make them come out from nowhere (or a nice old school building) and they dump all there dirt in this pit.


Feb 26, 2008
This is a really tough map for spies. A sentry can be built up by the flag cap point and be basically indestructible by spies (one walking along the bridge disguised will always be discovered.) Additionally there are very few points deep within the bases to decloak.

Possible suggestion:

Have at least one alternate path loop around from the top of each base to the back where the cap point is. Fill this area with a respawnroom trigger or something so that the flag can't be taken back that way. Just give people more options for clearing out turtlin ;)


L5: Dapper Member
Nov 17, 2007
U might wanna set back the respawn rooms back down a corridor as theyre way too close to the flag.


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 12, 2007
i posted this in the downloads forum, reposting it here :)

i had already had a quick run round the map prior to game day, the layout is pretty simple so getting accustomized early on is easy,

hopefully you gained a good insight into how a full server game plays out, in its current state i found the map to be tremoundsly frustrating - for a player actively trying to complete to goal,

i spent the first 5 mins stuck inside our base pretty much , the outdoor sentries placed on the hills are positively evil - they cover the upper windows - the lower doors and the resupplies outside, and with a engy perched behind the hill make them extreemly difficult to take out - i took the sewer route to the base and was promptly met with another sentry as soon as i exited the water :d

the upper levels where the snipers hang out seemed like a good area to try and assault from except i found it really hard a demoman to land in them - they are quite low meaning you jump over them but hit the upper area of the battlements and simply land back on the floor - i know its quite possible if you get the correct trajectory to get in there but as an example 2 fort is alot more forgiving in the range of rocket/demojumps that wil land you onto the battlements. either a small lip on the bottom ledge to make a viaable landing point - or some slight change to the outside walls to help being able to stear yourself into the holes.

The return ctf mode - it was quite funny watching various people carry the flag back to their bases, the run speed penalty made the gameplay really harsh, the game ended up 2-0 but i think if the teams were evenly balanced it would have been 0-0 - the general route for most classes takes them right into view of the 2 respawn room exits before they can get close to the upper capping level - so basically your having to try and combat a sentry farm alongside a stream of fresh spawned players with access to unlimited health and ammo,

i honestly think that the success of the gameplay aspect depends entirely on whether you are comfortable in changing some aspects of the original map - something needs to change - whether its the speed/jump penalty / the placements of the score zone / spawn room exits / the number of routes to the upper level. But after 30 minutes i found it to be a totally frustrating experience,


Old Hat
Nov 12, 2007
By the way guys, dirtyminiths and mr.pyro's best team work!

Reminds me of all the times I've died trying to defend a point and end up follow-cam on people under the point, next to the point, around the corner from the point, and even running away from the point, all of whom are killing everybody except the guy standing on the point capturing it.


L5: Dapper Member
Nov 5, 2007
That poor pyro! Had he not been melee'd, he might have had a chance to capture! After dying he said, "oh noes" in chat. I can't help but feel a bit sad because my brother says that all the time, and we're good friends :)

One thing I've been pondering about the concept of the map is griefing. As it stands, it's very easy to do. Jerk player takes intel and hides in some corner of the map, doing nothing. Worse yet, he could take the flag back to his own base (not out of ignorance, but out of malicious intent). I wonder if there is a way to prevent that, perhaps adding "checkpoints" to the map, as a way to save your progress. Flags might return to the nearest checkpoint instead of the base, and checkpoints last until the flag is capped (or a longer timer). Not sure if it could be used in this map, but something to think about.


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 13, 2008
Hmm, checkpoints sound like a good idea. But generally, griefing can happen in all the ctf maps out, take enemy flag and not capture, so, i dont think there is much of a way to fix it.