-fixed unpacked content
-lighting changes
-fixed D roof disappearing at spots while outside of D
-probably other stuff too
-recpompiled the map with missing packed content
-added upper geometry between buildings at A to stop high bombing explosive classes there
-moved blu's 3rd spawn to be closer to D and more straightforward
-lots of optimizations to try and make the map run better
-widened upper areas on the left of D's enterances
-readded one way door between A and B
-moved health and ammo around A
-added some sound effects around the map
-some other stuff probably
-uploaded the bsp instead of the vmf
-blocked a wicked nasty sightline from blue first spawn to A
-readded flank to C
-readded one way door to blue building between A and B as well as reorient the geometry in that room....again....


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-fixed spawns
-clipping fixes
-other stuff
-removed shortcut between blu spawn and b
-added forward spawn for blu after A
-removed odd lower stairs at A
-redid the inside of the old shortcut building
-removed one way doors in the old shortcut building
-come on shake your body and do that conga
-opened up red's high ground at A so they have less cover while also giving blu more cover
-moved wood building before A back from the large blue building to make the cart path into A less of a choke
-split up blu shortcut from spawn to B's stairs for optimization purposes
-moved windows in blu shortcut
-attached blu one way door highground to upper area by B
-did nothing to C
-removed upper route inside D and widened doors between C and D
-changed up B to C routes to stop red from holding far forward as easy
-moved around cover outside of blu first spawn