-clipping fixes
-tried to make the map more sentry friendly
-moved around stuff at last to be more sentry friendly
-minor detailing changes
-closed the upper area of the building between blu spawn and A since it wasn't really useful anymore now that the windows overlooking A are closed
- removed collision of things that didn't have collision meshes
-removed collision of some stuff in oob areas to make the map run better or something idk
-moved around the blue shoots at A to make more room for the cart and players by the cart as they go around the curve
-replaced the rock at A with a fence that's more consistent and gives more space for players and the cart to pass by n stuff
-added another drop down at C for blu cause they need more drop downs
-probably some other stuff too
-pushed blu first spawn exits forward a bit
-made first door into the tunnel between A and B taller
-removed 1 way door between A and B (may bring back)
-moved around cover and such at B to try to give blu better options while blocking problematic sightlines
-added 2nd exit to drop down route for blu attacking C
-removed a medium ammo box at C
-probably other stuff too
-bullet blocked windows in that building between A and blu spawn so sentries can't shoot through the gaps in the wood covering one of em


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-fixed broken red spawn doors
-minor other things
-adjusted blu first spawn
-made it so capping A lets blu spawn closer in their first spawn room (like upward)
-moved around some detailing at A and did some optimization
-made the exit door for the tunnel between A and B bigger
-clipped off awning by one way door between A and B
-moved around some cover at B
-made the doors at D open faster
-brought back one way drop down in blue building with one way door between A and B so red can't use it to flank blu as easy
-removed glass from windows in the lower part of this same building to help blu fight red and get out of the tunnel
-I really gotta take a leak.....


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-blocked off one of the windows at A
-clipping fixes
-respawnroomvisualizers fixed
-moved around cover at B
-changed how the gate between B and C opens
-D doors now open slower to give red more time before blu can squeeze through into D
-probably some other stuff
-clipping fixes (thanks Boonie)
-lighting fixes
-clipping fixes
-moved drop down for blu at B
-moved cases at last so red is less likely to want to jump into the hole
-added some high ground health at A (not sure it'll stay)
-adjusted how far the doors to D lift
-implemented Zeus's dump truck models that have a more accurate collision mesh
-probably some other stuff too
-added some details to the brickwork to make it less dull
-made D door more obvious with lights and sound while it's opening
-moved D door opening closer to it instead of when C is captured
-lowered blu high ground at B
-texture changes for some buildings so they match their construction better (mostly from brick to wood or metal)
-probably some other stuff that I don't remember


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-moved around cover at B
-clipping fixes
-readded teleporter to blu 2nd spawn (how did that even vanish)
-lit up some dark areas
-changed the direction of the door before B and made it 5 speed instead of 20
-maybe some other stuff but I think that's everything
-implemented ideas based off of tiftid's feedback post