-the longing
-moved around some stuff at C to try to make it more streamlined for blu and red
-moved around some stuff at A to make it easier for blu
-adjusted spawn times for A and C
-probably other stuff too
-fixed locked doors by A not opening when A is capped
-added more windows to blu's upper area at A
-moved around some health and ammo
-readded long turn track around the wall between B and C to give defenders more time to set up at C
-locked door by B now only opens after B is capped instead of after A is capped
-gate through wall between B and C now only opens after the cart reaches a specific point past it
-moved red spawn forward at last
-removed tight awkward route on the left of last from red spawn
-optimization around B
-probably other stuff too


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-compiled with tool brushes ON
-moved around health and ammo at A and B
-removed lil roof outside long blue window between A and B, replaced with vent prop
-clipping fixes
-minor detail changes
-added prop jump inside blu building between A and B
-Thickened bricks at A
-fixed area portal window bug in blu first spawn
-made small boring room at D less small and less boring
-made D a bit longer so it's not as tight
-removed platform by locked door at A to make it less easy to cover everything from that spot
-fixed clipping and detail stuff
-adjusting lighting at last
-added staircase for red on right side from D to C
-other stuff probably
-made some changes based off of billo's feedback
-rearanged cover and routes at C
-added upper blu flank for A
-moved around health and ammo at C
-removed collision from wood railing inside building by B


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-fixed stuff thanks to Gravidea's post about b58
-swapped low and high ground for blu when going to A so they get the high ground now. Should help with capping A and stopping it from being such a grinder
-fixed broken area portal
-moved around health and ammo at A
-fixed physics prop spawning under the map and spamming the console about it cause it's life is just SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than everyone else's, drama queen....
-other stuff and things whatever


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