• fixed logic related to red winning, forward spawns, and timers
  • small clipping stuffs just for you
  • the logic for capturing the boy has been reworked so that in order for defenders to take control of the boy, they must stand on the cart with no contest for a certain amount of time. at this point, the defenders are the attackers, and the attackers are the defenders, and must do the same thing
  • mid has been reworked, with the side routes being much more open, and another highground route that branches from the mid building
  • mid is now split into two control points, in order for less "back and forth" at mid.
  • teams now have another forward spawn, which is activated when the other side's mid point has been captured
  • stairroom has been polished
  • reworked camera system
  • removed mid doors because idk
  • fixed boy because of said doors being gone
  • cart is now roughly 2x faster (bit faster with one person, WAY faster with 3 people)
  • cart now always heals you
  • mid now features doors like lobby, which open and close on opposite sides to block sightlines/act as a buffer
  • the side routes to mid room are now platforms primarily for attackers
  • lower area of lobby has been reworked to be a lot better to navigate
  • connector is simpler and more sleek to navigate
  • oob rooms are now team colored for contrast
  • lighting reworks
  • overlays are broken :(
  • small detailing stuff and clipping fixes
  • moved cap path nodes in lobby closer together
  • raised ceiling in lobby
found the issue i think???
hopefully fixed spawns
also added overlays
  • changed last spawns to be two "chunks", you start at the top spawn, and whenever your lobby is owned by the other team, you spawn at the lower spawn.
  • modified spawn timings
  • cart now stops temporarily when lobby is capped
  • wooloo
  • cautions
  • added walls/building at mid to separate sides and block sightlines
  • doors in lobby now open one at a time, which should also improve framerates
  • added a high route in lobby for defenders to use
  • shifting of certain doors
  • floor near lobby point is now grated
  • small bug fixes
  • hid longboy hologram
  • swapped crate colors
  • last is now MAJORLY changed with layout from abp, with tweaks to fit the rest of the map
  • theme change
  • small tweaks everywhere
  • bird