silos for days! but where i live they out number regular buildings so it looked fine to melotsa silos
that's a beautifull skybox textureHeres a map I've been working on for the Connect 5 contest. It's called cp_tomo.
I got inspiration from a small port town in Japan called Tomonoura, which is also where I got the name.
It would have gotten to this stage faster but I was without a computer that could compile a map for a month which slowed down progress.
It will be a single stage 3cp map that hopefully isn't too flat and cramped. (And hopefully not too dark to be considered a "day" map. I think the current skybox is really good for it.
![]()'s a beautifull skybox texture
Heres a map I've been working on for the Connect 5 contest. It's called cp_tomo.
Seeing that skybox honestly makes me wish TF2 had volumetric lighting support, even if it would kill FPS it would stunning with that sick skyboxthat's a beautifull skybox texture