@Frozen: That ramp was quite challenging to get past (aka when i was on blue our team never managed to push past it, but that was probably teams) when i played that map a few days ago. I don't see any changes that would help blue get past the ramp, especially considering the only(??) other route, the right side of the image with the smaller ramp with the wooden cover, is like a long corridor/ramp, giving red even more advantages than they had.
the openness of the arena infront of the large ramp made it difficult to reach the right ramp route without getting picked off or taking damage. The indoor route with the covered drop-down wasn't particularly useful as the layout made it easier for red soldiers/demos/snipers to damage/kill the blue attackers that would drop down.
The flatness of the area past the ramp and lit by the sunlight is almost ironic considering the large ramp before it.
Quite iffy. I predict chaos as soldiers, spies, scouts, and demos get a very easy method to flank the other team regardless of where the payload actually is.
EDIT: those sightlines...
i was going to type "koth_viaduct with bots?" before I noticed the word viaduct in the top left corner... :laugh:
I'd love to see similar graphical representations of other maps (pl_upwards & badwater) with actual player data. Class differentiation is optional.