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Sep 10, 2008


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009

Valve could learn a lesson in detailing from this. I mean it.

At any rate, it has become abundantly clear that many of the rounds we have played were stacked, and of no fault of the map, as I had foolishly claimed.

The round we played today was intense. Really down to the wire.

My only real suggestion is to add some fade to the deathpits, so we don't see our ragdoll hit a black floor. But IIRC, those were in the still-deved area, so I'm sure it will be improved.

Despite still being in the dev phase, the HAL-9000 final point is by far my favourite. I can't wait to see that detailed as beautifully as the rest of the map.


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 29, 2008
Just got done playing a few rounds of a35.

Recorded a demo, and in the middle of uploading it. Will edit with a link when it's done. (Hopefully I did it right...)

Hmm... trying to sum up thoughts.

One of the players mentioned that the "upper" door going into 3-2 could stand to be a bit wider, since there's basically only two entrances to the point, and a sentry locks them down quite well.

The new 2-2 plays *vastly* better than the old, uphill slog. Props there.

1-2's still a bit rough, but capturable.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to put the link in last night. The demo's here.
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L3: Member
Feb 22, 2009
I assume this is the look you wanted to achieve in Grinder, hmm? It looks gorgeous and even though it is is amazingly detailed, it doesn't decrease my fps. Very fine job.

But you still have the old problem with the blue holograms looking blurry. And I think that the custom holograms don't add as much to this map as they would have added to Grinder.


L5: Dapper Member
May 11, 2009
This is more in case I forget to link you later or if you don't read backchat (I wouldn't blame you =P it's usually a waste of time)


It's just a problem because it allows you to basically kill all of red at least one time. Not sure how much this contributes to 2-2 being the fastest cap in the west, but it should help a little.

Anyway, since Vector started before you came in I'd just like to go over how I felt about it:

In our small game with like 3-6 people per team, B actually becomes an actual point instead of a roll, probably due to how the spawn times are scaled based on how many people there are? I still think whatever we talked about the other night is still something you should do, though.

Supertoaster and a soldier and a pyro were using Red's backroute to B and picking off some of us, and obviously not many Blus used this route. If you watch the demo, there's a point where I notice there's no pyros, go pyro, proceed to burn Shmitz's SG, then die before anything really happens.

Uh, so I'm not sure if you want to maybe try making something for pyros to take a more active role in attacking. Not even sure how you'd do this, actually without making blu OP.

But yeah, I enjoyed it through and through after people started joining, just because I generally hate small games and scouts.


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
One problem i noticed was on stage three. I was scout and i capped the intel on point B. The second i capped B, the intel spawned on B so i picked it up and rushed C instantly. The 15 second delay didnt happen and it didnt spawn at blu spawn. Not sure if this happens every time (i dont think so) but i dont no what causes it.

EDIT: another thing i belive it is the second stage but its definitely point 2. The walkway from reds spawn to the point its in the middle of the battle field and red gets spawn camped very easily. You could move reds spawn or add more cover.
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L3: Member
Feb 28, 2009
There have been other cases like the one above, if a team is stuck at the first point, the defending team won't build on the last point. Thus, when the first point is capped scout rush to the second is almost inevitable.


Dec 5, 2007
Oh my...
What's with the white smoke thing on the left?

I think it's a bit of a deformed lightglow. I never really did like this point, I don't like points where you have to walk over a lot of thin walkways with death pits below, just like glacier's final point its just too hard to navigate in the heat of battle. You end up fighting the map instead of the enemy :(


Oct 30, 2008
To be fair, the fighting around this point is pretty much never at the places of the screenshot. All the small walkways are used for is delivering, usually.


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 29, 2008
First glance, the new 3-2 (on a37) definitely looks like it'll play better than the old one. Will have to upload it and see how it fares when players get their hands on it.


Sep 10, 2008
Yeah youme, the walkway almost never sees any fighting. It's mostly used for prevention of early caps. Plus it looks nice :)

Pathway to 3-1: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/55873/ZScreen/Images/0938-08-27-2009BT0002.jpg

I haven't really found anything else, but that small line ruined some of my enjoyment =(

The map is looking amazing! I can't wait until we test it out.

That's weird, because those were two perfectly aligned brushes.

/me shakes fist at source engine