Ok couple of things. I might have broken how posting a new thread works
(fixed now) because of a new QoL addon. Basically in the mapping help sub-forum we want users to use the "Questions" type as it allows for authors to mark a question as answered. This highlights the answer and shows it at the top. Pretty neat right.
Added a tip when posting in mapping help to help encourage new posts to tell us what they need.
This can be applied to other forums so if there are some you'd like to see let us know.
Added a gentle reminder about resource/download cover images.
This does show up even if you have images or it isn't your download. If we didn't have to rely on a third party plugin this wouldn't be an issue but here we are
We do have the ability (plugin) to make quick reply templates so if you know of an area this would be useful let us know.
I'm sure I'm leaving some other stuff out.