only decent/good weapons in the past 3 updates: soda popper, detonator, the whip, market gardener, reserve shooter, quick fix (buffit), bison, machina, and atomizer are alright i guess. rest are boring statspam or just not very well thought out.
valve didn't seem to put much thought into ~60% of the past updates, which is pretty bad. there's still a bunch of neat weapon concepts that have been around since forever, but they continue to release mostly crap. not to mention a bunch of weapons that need balancing, but NOPE here's 3 crappy weapons and once alright sniper rifle.
valve really dropped the ball on the detonator, the bargain, and the quick fix with the beta. the whole det jump was changed and untested in the beta, along with the QF and bargain which were changed a lot. still think the height is fine on the detonator. needs less self damage.