If you look at the time mralbobo posted, you'll see just two minutes difference between his and mine, It takes me several minutes sometimes to make even a short post since i skip around tasks all the time. He ninja'd me, and I'm not stupid like flame in trying to troll you, you genuinely seemed to suggest that the gunboats were only attainable by crafting, which I disproved. You seemed to also blame the system's lack of gunboat drops, for your careless crafting of your eyelander, thus giving you the appearance of an upset child eager to project it's own shortfalls onto others.
Yeah its unfortunate that you crafted a weapon you wanted, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the drop system, and everything to do with your own carelessness. So you shouldn't even mention it in any kind of rational discussion of the drop system, especially in a way that makes it look like you're blaming the drop system for your mistake.
To your point of the gunboats only being accessible by luck - so what? everyone else is in the same position you are, they can only use what they've been lucky enough to find (or earn in the case of the older weapons). That sounds fair to me. The only problem is there idling is like a "give all now" cheat.
Its a random system, you really can't get fairer than random. I know the statistical unlikelihood of having a massive dry spell isn't fun when it's you, but that's the nature of random stuff, it's.... random.
But, I do think that they should add some kind of counter to it so that no one person is ever subject to a massive dry spell and if they enter a dry spell they get a drop forced to break the appearance of the spell. Although I don't think the delay between drops now they've updated it is big enough to warrant it.