I should have mentioned this previously but I'm planning on submitting multiple things in two different ways (map and sfm poster) is that ok?
Hey could i start my 72hrs a bit earlier on august 4th? 12am gmt
Can I also donate in items?
since I don't have any way of online payment that isn't team fortress 2 items.
What Should I do If I make an Artwork? Where Should I upload it?
Cool Beans
Also is SFM Fair play for jimijam
I have an idea how to do it but people who donate $5 worth of items wouldn't be able to get the medal (as far as I know).At the moment I don't have a way of accepting items as donations, as there's no way to make them directly support Redkite.
this might be a dumb question but where can i donate and link my steam to it
Yes im ok with ending earlyYes, but you'd also be obligated to end early as well. Is that okay?
Yes im ok with ending early
Would modelling someone else's concept count as continuing a half-finished project or simply meticulous planning?
Can't wait to see some of the entries! I was wondering if I could start my 72hrs tomorrow though, due to a busy schedule during the majority of the weekend.
Timezone is Central Time (CT), (UTC -6).