So I played the map through once as each class each direction. There are a few things that could be better, but overall I think it'll play better than most people are expecting. A few things I noted:
1. As it is right now if blue gets out of their spawn they should be able to roll the rest of the map pretty easily. A few detail/LOS changes can help this. For helping blue exit spawn easier...
a. For the sniper windows overlooking the blue spawn, don't open up the one that Valve currently has blocked. If you get multiple snipers looking at the spawn it could be a mess.
b. Try protecting that side entrance as much as possible. If you can block red out of that entire side building and back area, do so. Would check the rules on this, since it's not a major route change but goes a bit beyond detailing.
c. I think having the blue spawn elevated should help them push out a bit easier, so keep that in mind when adding your displacements. Make sure nades will roll downhill toward the key enemy locations here.
3. A is set up decent. There's a big advantage for blue once they get here, since most of the sentry areas are exposed. The high ledge is the only X factor, since that type of height overlooking a CP isn't common on other maps. If it doesn't play well you can always add a tall prop like a tree to help cover the CP. Overall this point SHOULD be easiest to capture for blue.
4. If blue captures A, they should quickly cap B because of the distance. Also, since red would have most of their stuff set up on A from setup, it's likely most of their team and sentries are wiped out after A is capped. Do everything possible to help B here...
a. Leave that long sniper view from the C paths. Other than the large amount of metal it's the best thing to help the defense here.
b. If you can make the health and metal more easily accessible or even just more visible from red's side, it should help. Just a prop on the the blue side of the health/metal should be enough.
c. If it still doesn't balance well, an option is adding cover from the high area between A and B, as suggested for A.
d. Try making some protected sentry locations in that area. Some creative displacements that roll nades away from protected spots could help, as could a prop that overhangs and makes it harder to drop in stickies.
5. C is interesting. I don't like the death pit, but it should make capturing a lot more difficult which is a good thing on the final CP on a map. Since C's spawn is so close and because of that death pit, the area should be heavily balanced towards C anyway. Try keeping it that way. If you need to switch it around, consider changing the death pit to water (if allowed) or add a railing around to help prevent airblast deaths.
6. Be mindful of certain double jump locations. There's a few really fun ones (high roof of B to the ledge) and they make for some really unique paths through the map.
7. The red spawn is easily camped by a single demoman. You might want to protect one of the doorways with more cover if possible.
I personally think this map will be a lot of fun. Only playtesting will show for sure, but I can see this being used for 6v6 competitive teams or fun highlander games. I definitely think it'll fail for 32 man instant respawn servers, but overall it's a good enough layout that people will play it if it looks nice.
Hope this helps someone.