
KotH Synthetic rc6a

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-edited detailing of 2nd transitional buildings to make them a more similar to decrease asymmetrical rocket jumping abilities.
-added cover to upper platforms at mid
-lowered point "hill" area a bit
-edited mid point to fit the new height
-edited some textures on side buildings by mid
-changed background detail in first transitional buildings to look more like they are outside the play space
-fixed clipping issues around the map
-changed that sign Defcon doesn't like
-added small path from pipes at upper area by mid around the side of the building
-changed doorway to 2nd transitional building courtyard from upper area by mid to block a sight line
-made in bounds foliage props non-solid
-figured out how to add detail sprites for displacements, so the map has those now
-attempted to make the sign jump at mid more obvious
-changed red 1st transitional building exterior's roofs in order to fix brushes not rendering when they where supposed to

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Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015
"That needs FIXED!" -MegapiemanPHD, 2018

L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 24, 2017


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-changed upper mid area to be smaller so it's less useful to defenders while still being useful to attackers
-added ramp to railing in first transitional building in replace of arrow sign that was there a while ago
-pushed back area under railing and ramp in 1st transitonal building (both this and the last update are done in order to restore cover to that area that was lost when the arrow sign was removed while making player routes through that area smoother)
-some other things I don't remember, what am I a computer?
-some displacement work to fit the changed mid area

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-changed that drop down thing in the 1st transitional building again so it's not ugly and dump, should also help with optimization now
-closed window at upper mid area so it can now only be shot through instead of walked through
-added some cover to fix odd sentry spot in buildings by mid point
-closed in bottom path of 2nd transitional building as to get rid of some dead space and funnel players towards health and ammo pack locations, this should also help with optimization
-moved around health and ammo packs to be more focused around the open areas by the 2nd transitional building
-minor detailing
-replaced pipes at mid with more modular models so I can rotate them and make them look more natural
-a bit of optimization
-redid lighting across the map to try and make things less grey and dull
-fixed light bleed by red spawn
-other this and that things
-improved some clipping

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-removed some barrels from mid to try and up it's fps
-edited skybox to remove uneven areas around mid and 2nd transitional buildings
-other optimization
-editing some detailing and sharpened shadows around the map to make it look all nice n pretty n stuff
-changed respawn times for capping mid. The team who is defending mid now has a 10 sec respawn while attackers have a 4 sec respawn. This will hopefully lead to some better back and forth with the point.
-fixed clipping issues throughout the map
-fixed windows to sniper roof on the 2nd traditional buildings not being mirrored correctly
-Big thanks to Beater for hosting a competitive test for the last version
-Fixed long windows on 2nd transitional building on red side being clipped when they where supposed to be open (also thought about combining the windows together but didn't like the result)

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L1: Registered
Nov 25, 2017
How come the file size 135mb? The last version of the map was an order of magnitude smaller.


Sep 1, 2013
I'm currently trying to figure that out for b23. Don't really know what went on with that but it's definitely a problem that needs to be fixed.
-editing some detailing and sharpened shadows around the map to make it look all nice n pretty n stuff
Potentially this. Depending on how much you messed around with the lightmaps you can exponentially increase file size.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-attempted to make the point a stronger area
-shortened stairs to lower room in order to give the point more visability
-changed jump path to upper areas by point to remove heavy head glitch area
-added grates at point so players can see into the underground tunnels
-moved around walls and doors on side paths at mid to lessen how powerful it is while blocking cheeky sightlines
-removed barrel clusters on the side of the 2nd transitional building to make that area feel less cluttered
-fixed the bug causing a stupidly large file size

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-changed right path out of first transitional building to try to make it more useful
-attempts at optimization (though probably didn't work cause I have no idea what I'm doing
-fixed explosions going through grate at mid, checked it too so it's good
-moved health and ammo by 1st transitional building
-changed sun angle and brighten the inside of some buildings to make things easier to see
-it's a small world after all

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