SnickerPuffs' Adoptober Pack! (15+ maps, 40+ VMFs) (Open)


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Good afternoon, everyone!

I saw that some of my fellow mappers were doing Blocktober this year, where you share in-progress shots of your completed maps. Since I don't have any completed maps, but I have loads of unfinished projects, I thought I'd give my orphaned maps up to the community in a project I'm dubbing Adoptober! The files in this pack were all made in the last two years, so I plan to make another thread when I sift through all my older stuff. As usual, credit me if you use any of these.

What's in this pack?
Released maps

To begin, I'd like to list my released maps that I'm adding to this pack. Included are several versions of Cishet (including the 2016 scrapped map it was based off of), Rainville (plus an unfinished a3), Hopper (plus an unfinished a6), Frequency (which I planned to Ship-of-Theseus into a wholly original map named "Bertrand"), my MC6 submission, and my MC8 submission Teacupward. Since those maps are already on this site, I won't include screenshots.

Unreleased maps

A map I made to get back into the "development flow" of Hammer after not using it for a few months. It's directly based off of this photo from the Architectural References thread, and I had plans to add an additional area based off of this photo from the same thread.


I originally planned to participate in the 4th Microcontest: Arena+, but I dropped out during the mapping phase. This map was going to be an asymmetrical 2CP map, themed as a subterranean city. I was obsessing over an illustrated version of Genesis' "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway", hence the theme decision and the planned final name, 'Rael'. The area I built before stopping was heavily inspired by Badwater (even directly traced over in some spots), with the second point's geometry done from scratch.


Around 2016 I started working on a artpass of the Valvebase VMF from 2010, while including a number of layout revisions to keep the map feeling fresh. It was pretty bad, so I scrapped and remade it a few times. This is the most recent attempt, building off of a previous version from early 2019. It's only A and the area before BLU spawn, but I intended some radical changes, such as turning the small structure near B into a flank to the point and (somehow) putting C outside.

Last year, for a small segment of my DAGD 100 final in university (Intro to 3D Modeling), I made a small map in TF2 as a framing device. A sign I made for the project (featured in the interior image) is not included with this download.

In 2017 I adopted Uncuepa's Crop, intending to turn into into a halloween-themed map. After receiving numerous complaints about the layout, I started a from-scratch overhaul. Things quickly fizzled out from there, but I always wanted to go back to it. A couple months ago I wanted to start it up again, so I sketched out a redesign (featuring rotational symmetry instead of mirrored symmetry) and built this barn. I stopped immediately after.

A decent portion of the VMFs on my computer are "sketches", small areas I make to see if a map idea sparks from there. Usually, they don't, but I still make them. This is my second "sewer sketch", which the first being from a few years ago and will likely be included in my second Adoptober pack if I can find it.

For the 2019 TF2Maps 72hr Jam, I wanted to make a map for UltimentM's Turf War gamemode. Using a biodome theme, both teams had the same rough layout, but the enviroment in each dome altered the gameplay. In RED's side, one of the points was floating on an ice patch-covered pond. In BLU's side, the same area was a dry lakebed, with the point sitting on a structure in the middle. There was a single neutral point in the area between the two biodomes, which would have a standard laboratory theme.

A couple years ago, me and the now-banned user The Letter Before A were collaborating on a few maps. The second was Lead, started a little bit after he was banned. We had intended to fix the many issues with the map, but he lost interest and vanished. I had other things to do, so I put the idea on the back-burner until relatively recently. Once again, I still have other things to work on, so this spawn room sketch is all I've done so far. I may pick this up again in the future, but until then, if you'd like to use this spawn room as a springboard for your own mapping project go right on ahead.



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(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
It's time* for another Adoptober Pack!
*I don't want to wait until October, so I'm making this two months early.

Map I Really Want To See Finished

(Medieval A/D Capture Points) Perplexed
A remake of Confusion, an old map of mine. Set vaguely in England, in a town surrounding a castle. Uses assets from the Frontline! and London content packs.

The castle (RED spawn and B point) is unfinished, BLU spawn is just a single cube, and none of the gameplay logic is implimented. I wanted to experiment with the normal conventions of A/D by having B be capturable at all times, and capturing A unlocks a large door that makes B easier to attack.


(A/D Capture Points) Teacupward A3
Tiny Upward with tiny players.

I abandoned this map in the initial pack, but then I thought "eh, why not one more try?", and started a rework that made the map much more Upward-like. This is like 90% done, just needs lighting and skybox/sealing so somebody PLEASE pick this up and finish this.


(Arena) Snickerpuffs MC14 A2
A tightly-packed arena map with a Foundry theme.

The public releases of this map are uncomfortably tight, so in this unfinished A2 I wanted to expand the map in multiple ways. Besides just making everything more open, I also redesigned several areas so that they were outside.


(Detail) Desert
An 'background' detail map with a Dustbowl/Doomsday theme.

I probably could just call this finished now, but since I was (and still am) on the fence between keeping it as a background map or expanding it into a full detail map, I'm leaving that decision up to you.


(A/D Capture Points) Snickers Egypt
One of *many* projects using Artpass Valvebase as a springboard. Features an Egyptian theme and several minor-to-major geometry tweaks to see how they affect gameplay. Only the A point area.


Other Maps in this Pack

(Pipeball) Canyon
A revival of an old custom gamemode. Comes with all previously released versions, as well as several experimental VMFs.

(Player Destruction) Snickers MC12
A 'spiritual successor' to an older map of mine. Comes with all previously released versions, as well as an unfinished A2.

(MvM) Ravine 2
A small MvM map built on top of Ravine, the arena map. Has a visgroup containing the (heavily butchered) original Ravine, with numerous tanks outlining potential bot/tank routes.

(MvM / Guardian Dynamica) Gold Turkey
A really tiny MvM map that was sitting on my hard drive for so long it vanished. I started a remake for the GD contest, but barely made it halfway from the robot spawn.

(Detail) Brootalism
An attempt at brutalist architecture. Has spooky "silhouettes" overlooking the entrance.

(Detail) Spytechish
A small detail map heavily inspired by 2Fort's flag room and similar underground spytech areas in maps. Barebones beyond a single 'office' room.

(Detail) Mannchester
A small detail map based on a singular photo of Manchester England I saw on Twitter, then lost several hours later. I didn't find it again until several months later, which by that time I moved on.

(Detail) In and Out Contest submission attempts
Three entirely different maps I wanted to make for the In and Out Contest. The first is of an overpass shadowing a city street, the second is another city street that's nowhere near an overpass, and the third is a beach that's nowhere near a city or overpass. Includes an instance used in the third attempt.

(A/D Single Capture Point) Seafoam
RED has a single beachfront capture point that they must defend from BLU. Comes with all previously released versions, as well as several experimental VMFs and an unfinished A3.

(Detail) Background maps
The VMFs for my background detail maps Rosanna and September.



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