B6 unfortunately had a bug in my implementation of the new "Buff Sphere" - the trigger I was using really didn't like me doing DisableAndEndTouch and would, under still unknown circumstances, crash the server by entering an infinite loop internally.
Is this crash fixed now? I honestly can't tell. I changed the method of implementation and generally cleaned up a lot of I/O clutter/Optimized when some logic is fired.
Hopefully this map does not crash anymore.
The crash fix isn't the only thing that comes with this update, though! There are some bigger changes in here, too.
- Replaced TTS WillFromAfar with a real man: The incredible
@MegapiemanPHD has lend his voice for the role of the PASS Time Announcer!
This includes the Announcer voice lines (Countdown, match start etc.) as well!
This version is kind of a test flight. I don't doubt that there are a few files where the mixing isn't perfect, but this is what testing is for.
He will also be part of the planned PASS Time+ Logic pack, which should release soon(tm).
- Extended mid displacement ramp upwards and forwards a bit + removed the small rock that previously used to be there. You can now reach the defensive top area from the ramp and also the bonus goal in case you are attacking.
- Removed the vertical jump pad that used to be on top of the mid ramp.
Players accidentally activated and were generally confused about it's presence. The space can now be used to actually stand and fight on and this also prevents snipers from doing the thing where they use it to peek over the entire map.
- Added a crackhead side-ways vent on the right (blu -> red) hoodoo.
This is a pretty crazy one and has a *ton* of applications which should make for some fun moments. The vent will launch you horizontally on the left (blu -> red) hoodoo and can be activated by:
- simply walking off the right (blu -> red) hoodoo
- jumping into it from the mid slope
This allows defenders to rotate to the top-rope from the right and low ground *much* faster and in a pretty fun way.
With a bit of strafing, you can also use it to get to pretty much all high ground areas in your goal area.
Attackers can also use it as means to catapult themselves into the Run-In or for a drive-by Throw-In goal.
Because it's pretty high up and horizontal, it does not impede on gameplay space either. You won't activate it if you try to jump under it, too.
- Changed and "opened" the gates of the right (blu -> red) flank. This now gives attackers two routes from that flank into the enemy base and also offers a different angle to attack various sentry spots.
This shouldn't re-introduce the "rat" problem of people constantly sneaking into your base as the defenders have all the visibility they could ask for into that flank + the entry from mid to that flank being relatively open.
- Disabled and changed the volume of a variety of official PASS Time SFX to reduce audio clutter. You will no longer get your ears blasted away by the Bonus Goal Unlocked sound, for example.
- Disabled the majority of lamp collisions.
- Redid top playerclipping off the rockwall along the right (looking from blu to red) wall. Should be a lot less likely to get you stuck if you are trying to go for fancy plays.
- Raised playerclip ceiling.
- Sanitized Tips - reduced them to only PASS Time specific ones/generally more useful ones.
- Various minor visual fixes/adjustments
Read the rest of this update entry...