- Announcer Changes:
--> Changed TTS model from WillFromAfar to Queen Elizabeth. This isn't a joke - she is the best model I could find and also sounds the most like the Announcer. She speaks a lot faster than WillFromAfar, and a lot clearer too. God save the queen.
--> Rerecorded some voice lines: Generally made them shorter. In addition to the new TTS model, this should reduce how much the announcer speaks while communicating more with less words.
--> Changed announcer format from .mp3 to .wav. Should deal with some weird console errors? Also made some voice lines a bit louder.
- Mid Changes:
-> The left side (from RED) of mid has been significantly changed:
--> Indoor area has been completely removed
--> Wall has been moved in a bit more (Mid "squeezes" a bit more now)
--> The left side is now outdoors and is a displacement connector from the left outdoor area to mid.
This should heavily affect how the map plays as it not only allows attackers a more obvious approach when it comes to getting to the highground, but it also generally offers more outdoor areas now. Also prevents people from sneaking by mid if one team controls the area.

- Misc Changes:
-> Increased alarm interval from 7s to 8s
-> Increased base respawn time from 5s to 6s
-> Attacker respawn now gets reduced to 5s, while defender respawn gets increased to 7s
-> Upon a team scoring, during the time it takes for the ball to respawn, the team that scored has their spawn time set to 7.5s, while the other team enjoys a respawn time of 3s. This should prevent rolls a bit more, and compensates the losing team for the enemy team likely having control of mid when they scored. When the ball respawns, the respawn times get reset to 6/6.
-> Moved throw-in a bit to the bonus goal. This centralizes the throw-in goal a bit more, offering more intuitive throw-angles from all sides.
-> Fixed hole inside the map's ground
-> Slight optimization work
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- Announcer Changes:
--> Changed TTS model from WillFromAfar to Queen Elizabeth. This isn't a joke - she is the best model I could find and also sounds the most like the Announcer. She speaks a lot faster than WillFromAfar, and a lot clearer too. God save the queen.
--> Rerecorded some voice lines: Generally made them shorter. In addition to the new TTS model, this should reduce how much the announcer speaks while communicating more with less words.
--> Changed announcer format from .mp3 to .wav. Should deal with some weird console errors? Also made some voice lines a bit louder.
- Mid Changes:
-> The left side (from RED) of mid has been significantly changed:
--> Indoor area has been completely removed
--> Wall has been moved in a bit more (Mid "squeezes" a bit more now)
--> The left side is now outdoors and is a displacement connector from the left outdoor area to mid.
This should heavily affect how the map plays as it not only allows attackers a more obvious approach when it comes to getting to the highground, but it also generally offers more outdoor areas now. Also prevents people from sneaking by mid if one team controls the area.

- Misc Changes:
-> Increased alarm interval from 7s to 8s
-> Increased base respawn time from 5s to 6s
-> Attacker respawn now gets reduced to 5s, while defender respawn gets increased to 7s
-> Upon a team scoring, during the time it takes for the ball to respawn, the team that scored has their spawn time set to 7.5s, while the other team enjoys a respawn time of 3s. This should prevent rolls a bit more, and compensates the losing team for the enemy team likely having control of mid when they scored. When the ball respawns, the respawn times get reset to 6/6.
-> Moved throw-in a bit to the bonus goal. This centralizes the throw-in goal a bit more, offering more intuitive throw-angles from all sides.
-> Fixed hole inside the map's ground
-> Slight optimization work
Read the rest of this update entry...